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Re: [O] table of contents and numbers

From: Jonas Hörsch
Subject: Re: [O] table of contents and numbers
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 18:52:16 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130004 (Ma Gnus v0.4) Emacs/24.0.95 (gnu/linux)

On Thu, Apr 12 2012, Julian Burgos wrote:

> Thanks for the answer Nick.  So to get a TOC without numbers I would
> need to edit the TEX file directly, right?

Hi there,

another option might be to remove the num:nil org option and instead
tell latex not to number any sections by setting secnumdepth to 0.

so for instance

---start org file -----------
#+TITLE: Test
#+OPTIONS:  toc:t
#+LATEX_HEADER: \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0}

* Part 1
Some text

* Part 2
Some more text
---end org file -----------

should do the trick.

the only drawback is that one still needs the num:nil option for the
other export formats.

perhaps this could become another way to implement num:nil for the latex
export in general. though i don't think it would work reliably for just a
subtree then.


> On mið 11.apr 2012 19:00, John Hendy wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 12:12 PM, Nick Dokos<address@hidden>  wrote:
>>> Julian Burgos<address@hidden>  wrote:
>>>> Dear list,
>>>> My apologies for another very basic question.  I'm wondering why I do
>>>> not get a table of contents when exporting the following file as pdf
>>>> ---start org file -----------
>>>> #+TITLE: Test
>>>> #+OPTIONS:  toc:t num:nil
>>>> * Part 1
>>>> Some text
>>>> * Part 2
>>>> Some more text
>>>> ---end org file -----------
>>>> I do get the TOC when exporting as hmtl, though.
>>> I believe it's because of a rather technical latex limitation: latex
>>> writes TOC entries into a .toc file, which is then read back in when the
>>> \tableofcontents macro is expanded. When you specify num:nil asking for
>>> unnumbered sections, the latex exporter produces \section* markers,
>>> instead of the standard \section markers. But when latex processes
>>> those, it does not add anything to the .toc file. If org added a
>>> \tableofcontents, you would get just the title and an empty TOC. In
>>> order to prevent that, the latex exporter requires that both toc and num
>>> be non-nil - see l.1487 ff in lisp/org-latex.el:
>>> ,----
>>> |      ...
>>> |      ;; table of contents
>>> |      (when (and org-export-with-toc
>>> |               (plist-get opt-plist :section-numbers))
>>> |        (funcall org-export-latex-format-toc-function
>>> |                 ...))
>>> `----
>> One can work around this by manually adding sections under each headline.
>> -----
>> #+options: num:nil toc:t
>> #+text: \tableofcontents
>> * Introduction
>> \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Introduction}
>> -----
>> Tedious for long documents, but does work.
>> John
>>> The HTML exporter does this "by hand", so to speak, so it is not as
>>> constrained and can do the "right" thing.
>>> Nick

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