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Re: [O] bug with org-mode-hook and text-scale-set

From: Bastien
Subject: Re: [O] bug with org-mode-hook and text-scale-set
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 15:00:52 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.1.50 (gnu/linux)

Hi Matt,

Matt Lundin <address@hidden> writes:

> Matt Lundin <address@hidden> writes:
>> Bastien <address@hidden> writes:
>>> Du Yanning <address@hidden> writes:
>>>> text-mode-hook and c-mode-hook do NOT have this bug.
>>>> and the org-mode-hook of orgmode shipped within emacs 23.3 does NOT
>>>> have this bug.
>>> This is now fixed, thanks.
>>> The problem was that Org relied on `face-remapping-alist' to 
>>> remap the 'default face to the 'org-default face.  Relying on 
>>> this mechanism produces the error you reported, because the 
>>> text-scale-set doesn't interact well with remapped faces.
>>> I'm now relying on `buffer-face-mode' which seems to be a 
>>> cleaner approach.
>> On my machine, this change causes a noticeable lag when typing in
>> org-mode buffers. The cursor hesitates for a bit and then lurches
>> forward. If I turn off buffer-face-mode the lag disappears. I'm still
>> figuring out how to diagnose the problem.
> Another question: is it customary for major modes to invoke
> buffer-face-mode? 

Emacs devs said using buffer-face-mode is "obnoxious".  So I
buffer-face-mode is not turned on by default anymore.  org-default is
still the face for buffer-face-mode, though.


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