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[O] [PATCH] org-preview-latex-fragment not working with #+latex_header:\

From: Benjamin Motz
Subject: [O] [PATCH] org-preview-latex-fragment not working with #+latex_header:\input{}
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 19:28:43 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.0.95 (gnu/linux)


#+latex_header:\input{commands.tex} is not considered in
org-preview-latex-fragment. Reason: the fragment is generated in /tmp
from where the file commands.tex can not be found. In my case,
commands.tex contains essential latex-code for displaying the
latex-fragment, so I consider this to be a bug.

I have set the environment variable TEXINPUTS in
(org-create-formula-image) to work around this bug (see patch). 

However, this is the first time that I have written something like a
patch and furthermore I'm not at all familiar with lisp-programming. So
could you please have a look at my solution and tell me if it's complete
crap and how it could be done better?!

If it's no crap, I presume it should be submitted.

Thank you, Benjamin

diff --git a/org.el b/org.el.orig
index 4f5bef0..b1c15fb 100644
--- a/org.el
+++ b/org.el.orig
@@ -17040,7 +17040,6 @@ inspection."
       (condition-case nil
            (cd tmpdir)
-           (setenv "TEXINPUTS" concat(default-directory ":.:"))
            (call-process "latex" nil nil nil texfile))
        (error nil))
       (cd dir))

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