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Re: [O] bug#11249: 24.1.50; Overlay with face property causes calendar b

From: Matt Lundin
Subject: Re: [O] bug#11249: 24.1.50; Overlay with face property causes calendar buffer to scroll
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2012 16:30:02 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.130004 (Ma Gnus v0.4) Emacs/24.1.50 (gnu/linux)

Bastien <address@hidden> writes:

> Toby Cubitt <address@hidden> writes:
>> In the patch I posted, I also took the opportunity to set
>> `cursor-type' to nil when opening the calendar in `org-read-date'.
>> The cursor obscures one digit of the selected date, making that bit
>> harder to read (as well as looking ugly). Did you intend to reject
>> this change too?
> I did because I found the not-bold-anymore face wasn't visible enough,
> and the shallow cursor made it visible.
> I use inverse-video now for this face, so cursor-type nil is okay, I
> applied a patch with this.

This patch broke org-read-date. It will no longer parse date strings
such as "Aug 15" correctly, instead inserting the current day.

Steps to reproduce

1. Start with a headline:

| * A Headline

2. Type C-c C-s (org-schedule)

3. Enter a future date (e.g., Aug 20).

4. Note the resulting headline:

| * A Headline
|    SCHEDULED: <2012-04-25 Wed>

If I comment out the following line:

          (org-eval-in-calendar '(setq cursor-type nil))

org-read-date works correctly.

Best, Matt

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