External link abbreviations don't seem to work if they're in an #+INCLUDE file -- they end up pointing to a (non-existent) anchor within the main document.
The same external link abbreviations seem to work fine if they're in the main file.
I'm using the latest build of GNU Emacs (, April 23) and the latest version of Org-mode 7.8.09 (built-in).
I've done a fair amount of Google searching for possible answers.
Any thoughts? Here are excerpts from the relevant files. The same (presumably-)erroneous behavior exists even with stripped-down files containing only the text below.
#+INCLUDE: "Links.org"
For an example of a confidentiality provision protecting each party's information, see [[Disney-Pixar][Disney Pixar]] § 19(c)(1).
[In Links.org:]
For an example of a confidentiality provision protecting each party's information, see <a href="">#Disney-Pixar">Disney Pixar</a> § 19(c)(1).
Thanks in advance,
D. C.
D. C. Toedt III | Lawyer for tech companies | Houston, Texas (Central time zone)
On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 10:48, Bastien
<address@hidden> wrote:
thank you very much for the generous donation, it is really appreciated.
Just out of curiosity, may I ask you how you use Org-mode? More
precisely, do you use it as a publishing tool or in your publishing
Thanks a lot in advance for your answers!
Best regards,