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[O] limitation: no tab in my headlines

From: Giovanni Ridolfi
Subject: [O] limitation: no tab in my headlines
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2012 09:54:50 +0100 (BST)

Hello everybody,

Org-mode version 7.8.11 (c8acf8d6957 @ 
GNU Emacs 24.1.1 (i386-mingw-nt6.1.7601) of 2012-06-10 on MARVIN

while killing/yanking text from text files to my org file
I found this limitation: I cannot create a link to a headline
whose text contains a tab.

Editing a file in Org will prevent to insert table in headlines:
(and this is a good thing):

* this is a tab,  press tab
* I get the Message: EMPTY ENTRY 
  this is text I press tab (the text got aligned)

------------------------ let's import a different text file -----
this is file a.txt
this is a tab    tab! (from 13 to 16)
copy last line, then transform that line in headline:

** this is a tab    tab! (from 16 to 24)
I transformed the line in a 2nd level headline with C-*
then I try to create a link to the 2nd level headline
:Messagge: Stored: this is a tab    tab! (from 13 to 16)
Now tab is from 32 to 40, ok

Then I save the link C-c C-l
in the message line I have the link to the headline without tabs, but only with 
file:~/test.org::*this is a tab tab! (from 13 to 16)

However tab is kept in the description part of the link:
[[*this%20is%20a%20tab%20tab!%20(from%2013%20to%2016)][this is a tab    tab! 
(from 13 to 16)]]

Obviously this link does not refer to the headline
If I click on it, since
 org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline 'query-to-create
Message is:

"No match - create this as a new heading? "

If I customize this variable useing fuzzy search, ("Its value is nil")

the message is:
if: No match

Please, see the backtrace below.

** Substituting tab with %20 does NOT work
as it is now
[[*this%20is%20a%20tab%20tab!%20(from%2013%20to%2016)][this is a tab    tab! 
(from 13 to 16)]]

** Substituting tab with    does NOT work

[[*this is a tab        tab! (from 13 to 16)][this
 is a tab    tab! (from 13 to 16)]]

** Substituting tab with %09 does NOT work
%09 should be the URL Encode for tab 

[[*this%20is%20a%20tab%09tab!%20(from%2013%20to%2016)][this is a tab    tab! 
(from 13 to 16)]]

** So 
I know there's not tab in HTML [fn::http://htmltab.kb-creative.net/]

What is the best approach?
- a note in the documentation describing the limitation 

- a patch to enable tabs in links (since it is a corner case I will not
   prod for it)

- a note suggesting to use :ID: property as the link is active
  if it has a :ID:  (see below)

** this is a tab    tab! (from 16 to 24) with wizard-of-ID
:ID: wizard_of_id

** link to wizard of id

 is a tab    tab! (from 16 to 24) with wizard-of-ID]]

  cheers, Giovanni 
---------------------------------------------- Backtrace 

  signal(error ("No match"))
  error("No match")
  (if (or (and (org-search-not-self 1 re0 nil t) (setq type (quote dedicated))) 
(org-search-not-self 1 re1 nil t) (org-search-not-self 1 re2 nil t) 
(org-search-not-self 1 re2a nil t) (org-search-not-self 1 re3 nil t) 
(org-search-not-self 1 re4 nil t) (org-search-not-self 1 re5 nil t)) (goto-char 
(match-beginning 1)) (goto-char pos) (error "No match"))
  (cond ((eq type (quote org-occur)) (org-occur reall)) ((eq type (quote 
occur)) (org-do-occur (downcase reall) (quote cleanup))) (t (goto-char 
(point-min)) (setq type (quote fuzzy)) (if (or (and (org-search-not-self 1 re0 
nil t) (setq type (quote dedicated))) (org-search-not-self 1 re1 nil t) 
(org-search-not-self 1 re2 nil t) (org-search-not-self 1 re2a nil t) 
(org-search-not-self 1 re3 nil t) (org-search-not-self 1 re4 nil t) 
(org-search-not-self 1 re5 nil t)) (goto-char (match-beginning 1)) (goto-char 
pos) (error "No match"))))
  (cond ((run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote 
org-execute-file-search-functions) s)) ((and (equal (string-to-char s0) 35) (> 
(length s0) 1) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (and (re-search-forward 
(concat "^[     ]*:CUSTOM_ID:[     ]+" (regexp-quote ...) "[     ]*$") nil t) 
(setq type (quote dedicated) pos (match-beginning 0)))) (goto-char pos) 
(org-back-to-heading t))) ((save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (and 
(re-search-forward (concat "<<" (regexp-quote s0) ">>") nil t) (setq type 
(quote dedicated) pos (match-beginning 0)))) (goto-char pos)) ((save-excursion 
(goto-char (point-min)) (and (re-search-forward (format "^[     ]*#\\+TARGET: 
%s" (regexp-quote s0)) nil t) (setq type (quote dedicated) pos (match-beginning 
0)))) (goto-char pos)) ((save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (and 
(re-search-forward (format "^[     ]*#\\+NAME: %s" (regexp-quote s0)) nil t) 
(setq type (quote dedicated) pos (match-beginning 0))))
 (goto-char pos)) ((and (string-match "^(\\(.*\\))$" s0) (save-excursion 
(goto-char (point-min)) (and (re-search-forward (concat "[^[]" (regexp-quote 
...)) nil t) (setq type (quote dedicated) pos (1+ (match-beginning 0)))))) 
(goto-char pos)) ((string-match "^/\\(.*\\)/$" s) (cond ((derived-mode-p (quote 
org-mode)) (org-occur (match-string 1 s))) (t (org-do-occur (match-string 1 
s))))) ((and (derived-mode-p (quote org-mode)) 
org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline) (and (equal (string-to-char s) 42) 
(setq s (substring s 1))) (goto-char (point-min)) (cond ((let 
(case-fold-search) (re-search-forward (format org-complex-heading-regexp-format 
(regexp-quote s)) nil t)) (setq type (quote dedicated)) (goto-char 
(match-beginning 0))) ((and (not org-link-search-inhibit-query) (eq 
org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline (quote query-to-create)) (y-or-n-p 
"No match - create this as a new heading? ")) (goto-char (point-max)) (or 
(bolp) (newline)) (insert "* " s
 "\n") (beginning-of-line 0)) (t (goto-char pos) (error "No match")))) (t (when 
(equal (string-to-char s) 42) (setq pre "^\\*+[     ]+\\(?:\\sw+\\)?[     ]*" 
post (org-re "[     ]*\\(?:[     ]+:[[:alnum:address@hidden:+]:[     ]*\\)?$") 
s (substring s 1))) (remove-text-properties 0 (length s) (quote (face nil 
mouse-face nil keymap nil fontified nil)) s) (setq words (org-split-string s "[ 
    ]+") re0 (concat "\\(<<" (regexp-quote s0) ">>\\)") re2 (concat markers 
"\\(" (mapconcat (quote downcase) words "[     ]+") "\\)" markers) re2a_ 
(concat "\\(" (mapconcat (quote downcase) words "[     
\n]+") "\\)[     
\n]") re2a (concat "[     
\n]" re2a_) re4_ (concat "\\(" (mapconcat (quote downcase) words "[^a-zA-Z_
\n]+") "\\)[^a-zA-Z_]") re4 (concat "[^a-zA-Z_]" re4_) re1 (concat pre re2 
post) re3 (concat pre (if pre re4_ re4) post) re5 (concat pre ".*" re4) re2 
(concat pre re2) re2a (concat pre (if pre re2a_ re2a)) re4 (concat pre (if pre 
re4_ re4)) reall (concat "\\(" re0 "\\)\\|\\(" re1 "\\)\\|\\(" re2 "\\)\\|\\(" 
re3 "\\)\\|\\(" re4 "\\)\\|\\(" re5 "\\)")) (cond ((eq type (quote org-occur)) 
(org-occur reall)) ((eq type (quote occur)) (org-do-occur (downcase reall) 
(quote cleanup))) (t (goto-char (point-min)) (setq type (quote fuzzy)) (if (or 
(and (org-search-not-self 1 re0 nil t) (setq type ...)) (org-search-not-self 1 
re1 nil t) (org-search-not-self 1 re2 nil t) (org-search-not-self 1 re2a nil t) 
(org-search-not-self 1 re3 nil t) (org-search-not-self 1 re4 nil t) 
(org-search-not-self 1 re5 nil t)) (goto-char (match-beginning 1)) (goto-char 
pos) (error "No match"))))))
  (let ((case-fold-search t) (s0 (mapconcat (quote identity) (org-split-string 
s "[     
\n]+") " ")) (markers (concat "\\(?:" (mapconcat (lambda (x) (regexp-quote (car 
x))) (append (quote (... ... ... ...)) org-emphasis-alist) "\\|") "\\)")) (pos 
(point)) (pre nil) (post nil) words re0 re1 re2 re3 re4_ re4 re5 re2a re2a_ 
reall) (cond ((run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote 
org-execute-file-search-functions) s)) ((and (equal (string-to-char s0) 35) (> 
(length s0) 1) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (and (re-search-forward 
(concat "^[     ]*:CUSTOM_ID:[     ]+" ... "[     ]*$") nil t) (setq type 
(quote dedicated) pos (match-beginning 0)))) (goto-char pos) 
(org-back-to-heading t))) ((save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (and 
(re-search-forward (concat "<<" (regexp-quote s0) ">>") nil t) (setq type 
(quote dedicated) pos (match-beginning 0)))) (goto-char pos)) ((save-excursion 
(goto-char (point-min)) (and (re-search-forward (format "^[     ]*#\\+TARGET: 
%s" (regexp-quote s0)) nil t) (setq type (quote dedicated) pos
 (match-beginning 0)))) (goto-char pos)) ((save-excursion (goto-char 
(point-min)) (and (re-search-forward (format "^[     ]*#\\+NAME: %s" 
(regexp-quote s0)) nil t) (setq type (quote dedicated) pos (match-beginning 
0)))) (goto-char pos)) ((and (string-match "^(\\(.*\\))$" s0) (save-excursion 
(goto-char (point-min)) (and (re-search-forward (concat "[^[]" ...) nil t) 
(setq type (quote dedicated) pos (1+ ...))))) (goto-char pos)) ((string-match 
"^/\\(.*\\)/$" s) (cond ((derived-mode-p (quote org-mode)) (org-occur 
(match-string 1 s))) (t (org-do-occur (match-string 1 s))))) ((and 
(derived-mode-p (quote org-mode)) org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline) 
(and (equal (string-to-char s) 42) (setq s (substring s 1))) (goto-char 
(point-min)) (cond ((let (case-fold-search) (re-search-forward (format 
org-complex-heading-regexp-format ...) nil t)) (setq type (quote dedicated)) 
(goto-char (match-beginning 0))) ((and (not org-link-search-inhibit-query) (eq
 org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline (quote query-to-create)) (y-or-n-p 
"No match - create this as a new heading? ")) (goto-char (point-max)) (or 
(bolp) (newline)) (insert "* " s "\n") (beginning-of-line 0)) (t (goto-char 
pos) (error "No match")))) (t (when (equal (string-to-char s) 42) (setq pre 
"^\\*+[     ]+\\(?:\\sw+\\)?[     ]*" post (org-re "[     ]*\\(?:[     
]+:[[:alnum:address@hidden:+]:[     ]*\\)?$") s (substring s 1))) 
(remove-text-properties 0 (length s) (quote (face nil mouse-face nil keymap nil 
fontified nil)) s) (setq words (org-split-string s "[ \n
    ]+") re0 (concat "\\(<<" (regexp-quote s0) ">>\\)") re2 (concat markers 
"\\(" (mapconcat (quote downcase) words "[     ]+") "\\)" markers) re2a_ 
(concat "\\(" (mapconcat (quote downcase) words "[     
\n]+") "\\)[     
\n]") re2a (concat "[     
\n]" re2a_) re4_ (concat "\\(" (mapconcat (quote downcase) words "[^a-zA-Z_
\n]+") "\\)[^a-zA-Z_]") re4 (concat "[^a-zA-Z_]" re4_) re1 (concat pre re2 
post) re3 (concat pre (if pre re4_ re4) post) re5 (concat pre ".*" re4) re2 
(concat pre re2) re2a (concat pre (if pre re2a_ re2a)) re4 (concat pre (if pre 
re4_ re4)) reall (concat "\\(" re0 "\\)\\|\\(" re1 "\\)\\|\\(" re2 "\\)\\|\\(" 
re3 "\\)\\|\\(" re4 "\\)\\|\\(" re5 "\\)")) (cond ((eq type (quote org-occur)) 
(org-occur reall)) ((eq type (quote occur)) (org-do-occur (downcase reall) 
(quote cleanup))) (t (goto-char (point-min)) (setq type (quote fuzzy)) (if (or 
(and ... ...) (org-search-not-self 1 re1 nil t) (org-search-not-self 1 re2 nil 
t) (org-search-not-self 1 re2a nil t) (org-search-not-self 1 re3 nil t) 
(org-search-not-self 1 re4 nil t) (org-search-not-self 1 re5 nil t)) (goto-char 
(match-beginning 1)) (goto-char pos) (error "No match")))))) (and 
(derived-mode-p (quote org-mode)) (not stealth) (org-show-context (quote 
link-search))) type)
  org-link-search(#("*this is a tab tab! (from 13 to 16)" 0 35 (org-attr nil)) 
nil 1243)
  eval((org-link-search #("*this is a tab tab! (from 13 to 16)" 0 35 (org-attr 
nil)) nil 1243))
  (progn (widen) (eval cmd))
  (condition-case nil (let ((org-link-search-inhibit-query t)) (eval cmd)) 
(error (progn (widen) (eval cmd))))
  (let ((cmd (\` (org-link-search (\, path) (\, (cond (... ...) (... ...) (t 
nil))) (\, pos))))) (condition-case nil (let ((org-link-search-inhibit-query 
t)) (eval cmd)) (error (progn (widen) (eval cmd)))))
  (cond ((assoc type org-link-protocols) (funcall (nth 1 (assoc type 
org-link-protocols)) path)) ((equal type "mailto") (let ((cmd (car 
org-link-mailto-program)) (args (cdr org-link-mailto-program)) args1 (address 
path) (subject "") a) (if (string-match "\\(.*\\)::\\(.*\\)" path) (setq 
address (match-string 1 path) subject (org-link-escape (match-string 2 path)))) 
(while args (cond ((not (stringp ...)) (push (pop args) args1)) (t (setq a (pop 
args)) (if (string-match "%a" a) (setq a ...)) (if (string-match "%s" a) (setq 
a ...)) (push a args1)))) (apply cmd (nreverse args1)))) ((member type (quote 
("http" "https" "ftp" "news"))) (browse-url (concat type ":" (if 
(org-string-match-p "[[:nonascii:] ]" path) (org-link-escape path 
org-link-escape-chars-browser) path)))) ((string= type "doi") (browse-url 
(concat org-doi-server-url (if (org-string-match-p "[[:nonascii:] ]" path) 
(org-link-escape path org-link-escape-chars-browser) path)))) ((member type 
 ("message"))) (browse-url (concat type ":" path))) ((string= type "tags") 
(org-tags-view arg path)) ((string= type "tree-match") (org-occur (concat "\\[" 
(regexp-quote path) "\\]"))) ((string= type "file") (if (string-match 
"::\\([0-9]+\\)\\'" path) (setq line (string-to-number (match-string 1 path)) 
path (substring path 0 (match-beginning 0))) (if (string-match "::\\(.+\\)\\'" 
path) (setq search (match-string 1 path) path (substring path 0 
(match-beginning 0))))) (if (string-match "[*?{]" (file-name-nondirectory 
path)) (dired path) (org-open-file path arg line search))) ((string= type 
"shell") (let ((cmd path)) (if (or (and (not (string= 
org-confirm-shell-link-not-regexp "")) (string-match 
org-confirm-shell-link-not-regexp cmd)) (not org-confirm-shell-link-function) 
(funcall org-confirm-shell-link-function (format "Execute \"%s\" in shell? " 
(org-add-props cmd nil ... ...)))) (progn (message "Executing %s" cmd) 
(shell-command cmd)) (error "Abort"))))
 ((string= type "elisp") (let ((cmd path)) (if (or (and (not (string= 
org-confirm-elisp-link-not-regexp "")) (string-match 
org-confirm-elisp-link-not-regexp cmd)) (not org-confirm-elisp-link-function) 
(funcall org-confirm-elisp-link-function (format "Execute \"%s\" as elisp? " 
(org-add-props cmd nil ... ...)))) (message "%s => %s" cmd (if (equal 
(string-to-char cmd) 40) (eval (read cmd)) (call-interactively (read cmd)))) 
(error "Abort")))) ((and (string= type "thisfile") 
(run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote org-open-link-functions) path))) 
((string= type "thisfile") (if arg (switch-to-buffer-other-window 
(org-get-buffer-for-internal-link (current-buffer))) (org-mark-ring-push)) (let 
((cmd (\` (org-link-search (\, path) (\, ...) (\, pos))))) (condition-case nil 
(let ((org-link-search-inhibit-query t)) (eval cmd)) (error (progn (widen) 
(eval cmd)))))) (t (browse-url-at-point)))
  (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (or reference-buffer (current-buffer))) (if 
(string-match " +\\'" path) (setq path (replace-match "" t t path))) (if (and 
org-link-translation-function (fboundp org-link-translation-function)) (let 
((tmp (funcall org-link-translation-function type path))) (setq type (car tmp) 
path (cdr tmp)))) (cond ((assoc type org-link-protocols) (funcall (nth 1 (assoc 
type org-link-protocols)) path)) ((equal type "mailto") (let ((cmd (car 
org-link-mailto-program)) (args (cdr org-link-mailto-program)) args1 (address 
path) (subject "") a) (if (string-match "\\(.*\\)::\\(.*\\)" path) (setq 
address (match-string 1 path) subject (org-link-escape (match-string 2 path)))) 
(while args (cond ((not ...) (push ... args1)) (t (setq a ...) (if ... ...) (if 
... ...) (push a args1)))) (apply cmd (nreverse args1)))) ((member type (quote 
("http" "https" "ftp" "news"))) (browse-url (concat type ":" (if 
(org-string-match-p "[[:nonascii:] ]" path)
 (org-link-escape path org-link-escape-chars-browser) path)))) ((string= type 
"doi") (browse-url (concat org-doi-server-url (if (org-string-match-p 
"[[:nonascii:] ]" path) (org-link-escape path org-link-escape-chars-browser) 
path)))) ((member type (quote ("message"))) (browse-url (concat type ":" 
path))) ((string= type "tags") (org-tags-view arg path)) ((string= type 
"tree-match") (org-occur (concat "\\[" (regexp-quote path) "\\]"))) ((string= 
type "file") (if (string-match "::\\([0-9]+\\)\\'" path) (setq line 
(string-to-number (match-string 1 path)) path (substring path 0 
(match-beginning 0))) (if (string-match "::\\(.+\\)\\'" path) (setq search 
(match-string 1 path) path (substring path 0 (match-beginning 0))))) (if 
(string-match "[*?{]" (file-name-nondirectory path)) (dired path) 
(org-open-file path arg line search))) ((string= type "shell") (let ((cmd 
path)) (if (or (and (not ...) (string-match org-confirm-shell-link-not-regexp 
cmd)) (not
 org-confirm-shell-link-function) (funcall org-confirm-shell-link-function 
(format "Execute \"%s\" in shell? " ...))) (progn (message "Executing %s" cmd) 
(shell-command cmd)) (error "Abort")))) ((string= type "elisp") (let ((cmd 
path)) (if (or (and (not ...) (string-match org-confirm-elisp-link-not-regexp 
cmd)) (not org-confirm-elisp-link-function) (funcall 
org-confirm-elisp-link-function (format "Execute \"%s\" as elisp? " ...))) 
(message "%s => %s" cmd (if (equal ... 40) (eval ...) (call-interactively 
...))) (error "Abort")))) ((and (string= type "thisfile") 
(run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote org-open-link-functions) path))) 
((string= type "thisfile") (if arg (switch-to-buffer-other-window 
(org-get-buffer-for-internal-link (current-buffer))) (org-mark-ring-push)) (let 
((cmd (\` (org-link-search ... ... ...)))) (condition-case nil (let 
((org-link-search-inhibit-query t)) (eval cmd)) (error (progn (widen) (eval 
cmd)))))) (t (browse-url-at-point))))
  (with-current-buffer (or reference-buffer (current-buffer)) (if (string-match 
" +\\'" path) (setq path (replace-match "" t t path))) (if (and 
org-link-translation-function (fboundp org-link-translation-function)) (let 
((tmp (funcall org-link-translation-function type path))) (setq type (car tmp) 
path (cdr tmp)))) (cond ((assoc type org-link-protocols) (funcall (nth 1 (assoc 
type org-link-protocols)) path)) ((equal type "mailto") (let ((cmd (car 
org-link-mailto-program)) (args (cdr org-link-mailto-program)) args1 (address 
path) (subject "") a) (if (string-match "\\(.*\\)::\\(.*\\)" path) (setq 
address (match-string 1 path) subject (org-link-escape (match-string 2 path)))) 
(while args (cond ((not ...) (push ... args1)) (t (setq a ...) (if ... ...) (if 
... ...) (push a args1)))) (apply cmd (nreverse args1)))) ((member type (quote 
("http" "https" "ftp" "news"))) (browse-url (concat type ":" (if 
(org-string-match-p "[[:nonascii:] ]" path) (org-link-escape
 path org-link-escape-chars-browser) path)))) ((string= type "doi") (browse-url 
(concat org-doi-server-url (if (org-string-match-p "[[:nonascii:] ]" path) 
(org-link-escape path org-link-escape-chars-browser) path)))) ((member type 
(quote ("message"))) (browse-url (concat type ":" path))) ((string= type 
"tags") (org-tags-view arg path)) ((string= type "tree-match") (org-occur 
(concat "\\[" (regexp-quote path) "\\]"))) ((string= type "file") (if 
(string-match "::\\([0-9]+\\)\\'" path) (setq line (string-to-number 
(match-string 1 path)) path (substring path 0 (match-beginning 0))) (if 
(string-match "::\\(.+\\)\\'" path) (setq search (match-string 1 path) path 
(substring path 0 (match-beginning 0))))) (if (string-match "[*?{]" 
(file-name-nondirectory path)) (dired path) (org-open-file path arg line 
search))) ((string= type "shell") (let ((cmd path)) (if (or (and (not ...) 
(string-match org-confirm-shell-link-not-regexp cmd)) (not
 org-confirm-shell-link-function) (funcall org-confirm-shell-link-function 
(format "Execute \"%s\" in shell? " ...))) (progn (message "Executing %s" cmd) 
(shell-command cmd)) (error "Abort")))) ((string= type "elisp") (let ((cmd 
path)) (if (or (and (not ...) (string-match org-confirm-elisp-link-not-regexp 
cmd)) (not org-confirm-elisp-link-function) (funcall 
org-confirm-elisp-link-function (format "Execute \"%s\" as elisp? " ...))) 
(message "%s => %s" cmd (if (equal ... 40) (eval ...) (call-interactively 
...))) (error "Abort")))) ((and (string= type "thisfile") 
(run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote org-open-link-functions) path))) 
((string= type "thisfile") (if arg (switch-to-buffer-other-window 
(org-get-buffer-for-internal-link (current-buffer))) (org-mark-ring-push)) (let 
((cmd (\` (org-link-search ... ... ...)))) (condition-case nil (let 
((org-link-search-inhibit-query t)) (eval cmd)) (error (progn (widen) (eval 
cmd)))))) (t (browse-url-at-point))))
  (let (type path link line search (pos (point))) (catch (quote match) 
(save-excursion (skip-chars-forward "^]\n
") (when (org-in-regexp org-bracket-link-regexp 1) (setq link 
(org-extract-attributes (org-link-unescape (org-match-string-no-properties 
1)))) (while (string-match " *\n *" link) (setq link (replace-match " " t t 
link))) (setq link (org-link-expand-abbrev link)) (cond ((or 
(file-name-absolute-p link) (string-match "^\\.\\.?/" link)) (setq type "file" 
path link)) ((string-match org-link-re-with-space3 link) (setq type 
(match-string 1 link) path (match-string 2 link))) (t (setq type "thisfile" 
path link))) (throw (quote match) t))) (when (get-text-property (point) (quote 
org-linked-text)) (setq type "thisfile" pos (if (get-text-property (1+ (point)) 
(quote org-linked-text)) (1+ (point)) (point)) path (buffer-substring (or 
(previous-single-property-change pos (quote org-linked-text)) (point-min)) (or 
(next-single-property-change pos (quote org-linked-text)) (point-max)))) (throw 
(quote match) t)) (save-excursion (when (or (org-in-regexp org-angle-link-re)
 (org-in-regexp org-plain-link-re)) (setq type (match-string 1) path 
(org-link-unescape (match-string 2))) (throw (quote match) t))) (save-excursion 
(when (org-in-regexp (org-re "\\(:[[:alnum:address@hidden:]+\\):[     ]*$")) 
(setq type "tags" path (match-string 1)) (while (string-match ":" path) (setq 
path (replace-match "+" t t path))) (throw (quote match) t))) (when 
(org-in-regexp "<\\([^><\n]+\\)>") (setq type "tree-match" path (match-string 
1)) (throw (quote match) t))) (unless path (error "No link found")) 
(with-current-buffer (or reference-buffer (current-buffer)) (if (string-match " 
+\\'" path) (setq path (replace-match "" t t path))) (if (and 
org-link-translation-function (fboundp org-link-translation-function)) (let 
((tmp (funcall org-link-translation-function type path))) (setq type (car tmp) 
path (cdr tmp)))) (cond ((assoc type org-link-protocols) (funcall (nth 1 (assoc 
type org-link-protocols)) path)) ((equal type "mailto") (let ((cmd (car
 org-link-mailto-program)) (args (cdr org-link-mailto-program)) args1 (address 
path) (subject "") a) (if (string-match "\\(.*\\)::\\(.*\\)" path) (setq 
address (match-string 1 path) subject (org-link-escape ...))) (while args (cond 
(... ...) (t ... ... ... ...))) (apply cmd (nreverse args1)))) ((member type 
(quote ("http" "https" "ftp" "news"))) (browse-url (concat type ":" (if 
(org-string-match-p "[[:nonascii:] ]" path) (org-link-escape path 
org-link-escape-chars-browser) path)))) ((string= type "doi") (browse-url 
(concat org-doi-server-url (if (org-string-match-p "[[:nonascii:] ]" path) 
(org-link-escape path org-link-escape-chars-browser) path)))) ((member type 
(quote ("message"))) (browse-url (concat type ":" path))) ((string= type 
"tags") (org-tags-view arg path)) ((string= type "tree-match") (org-occur 
(concat "\\[" (regexp-quote path) "\\]"))) ((string= type "file") (if 
(string-match "::\\([0-9]+\\)\\'" path) (setq line (string-to-number
 (match-string 1 path)) path (substring path 0 (match-beginning 0))) (if 
(string-match "::\\(.+\\)\\'" path) (setq search (match-string 1 path) path 
(substring path 0 ...)))) (if (string-match "[*?{]" (file-name-nondirectory 
path)) (dired path) (org-open-file path arg line search))) ((string= type 
"shell") (let ((cmd path)) (if (or (and ... ...) (not 
org-confirm-shell-link-function) (funcall org-confirm-shell-link-function ...)) 
(progn (message "Executing %s" cmd) (shell-command cmd)) (error "Abort")))) 
((string= type "elisp") (let ((cmd path)) (if (or (and ... ...) (not 
org-confirm-elisp-link-function) (funcall org-confirm-elisp-link-function ...)) 
(message "%s => %s" cmd (if ... ... ...)) (error "Abort")))) ((and (string= 
type "thisfile") (run-hook-with-args-until-success (quote 
org-open-link-functions) path))) ((string= type "thisfile") (if arg 
(switch-to-buffer-other-window (org-get-buffer-for-internal-link 
(current-buffer))) (org-mark-ring-push))
 (let ((cmd (\` ...))) (condition-case nil (let (...) (eval cmd)) (error (progn 
... ...))))) (t (browse-url-at-point)))))
  (cond ((and (org-at-heading-p) (not (org-at-timestamp-p t)) (not 
(org-in-regexp (concat org-plain-link-re "\\|" org-bracket-link-regexp "\\|" 
org-angle-link-re "\\|" "[     ]:[^     \n]+:[     ]*$"))) (not 
(get-text-property (point) (quote org-linked-text)))) (or 
(org-offer-links-in-entry arg) (progn (require (quote org-attach)) 
(org-attach-reveal (quote if-exists))))) ((run-hook-with-args-until-success 
(quote org-open-at-point-functions))) ((org-at-timestamp-p t) 
(org-follow-timestamp-link)) ((and (or (org-footnote-at-reference-p) 
(org-footnote-at-definition-p)) (not (org-in-regexp org-bracket-link-regexp))) 
(org-footnote-action)) (t (let (type path link line search (pos (point))) 
(catch (quote match) (save-excursion (skip-chars-forward "^]\n
") (when (org-in-regexp org-bracket-link-regexp 1) (setq link 
(org-extract-attributes ...)) (while (string-match " *\n *" link) (setq link 
...)) (setq link (org-link-expand-abbrev link)) (cond (... ...) (... ...) (t 
...)) (throw (quote match) t))) (when (get-text-property (point) (quote 
org-linked-text)) (setq type "thisfile" pos (if (get-text-property ... ...) (1+ 
...) (point)) path (buffer-substring (or ... ...) (or ... ...))) (throw (quote 
match) t)) (save-excursion (when (or (org-in-regexp org-angle-link-re) 
(org-in-regexp org-plain-link-re)) (setq type (match-string 1) path 
(org-link-unescape ...)) (throw (quote match) t))) (save-excursion (when 
(org-in-regexp (org-re "\\(:[[:alnum:address@hidden:]+\\):[     ]*$")) (setq 
type "tags" path (match-string 1)) (while (string-match ":" path) (setq path 
...)) (throw (quote match) t))) (when (org-in-regexp "<\\([^><\n]+\\)>") (setq 
type "tree-match" path (match-string 1)) (throw (quote match) t))) (unless path
 (error "No link found")) (with-current-buffer (or reference-buffer 
(current-buffer)) (if (string-match " +\\'" path) (setq path (replace-match "" 
t t path))) (if (and org-link-translation-function (fboundp 
org-link-translation-function)) (let ((tmp ...)) (setq type (car tmp) path (cdr 
tmp)))) (cond ((assoc type org-link-protocols) (funcall (nth 1 ...) path)) 
((equal type "mailto") (let (... ... args1 ... ... a) (if ... ...) (while args 
...) (apply cmd ...))) ((member type (quote ...)) (browse-url (concat type ":" 
...))) ((string= type "doi") (browse-url (concat org-doi-server-url ...))) 
((member type (quote ...)) (browse-url (concat type ":" path))) ((string= type 
"tags") (org-tags-view arg path)) ((string= type "tree-match") (org-occur 
(concat "\\[" ... "\\]"))) ((string= type "file") (if (string-match 
"::\\([0-9]+\\)\\'" path) (setq line ... path ...) (if ... ...)) (if 
(string-match "[*?{]" ...) (dired path) (org-open-file path arg line search)))
 ((string= type "shell") (let (...) (if ... ... ...))) ((string= type "elisp") 
(let (...) (if ... ... ...))) ((and (string= type "thisfile") 
(run-hook-with-args-until-success ... path))) ((string= type "thisfile") (if 
arg (switch-to-buffer-other-window ...) (org-mark-ring-push)) (let (...) 
(condition-case nil ... ...))) (t (browse-url-at-point)))))))
  (if (call-interactively (function org-babel-open-src-block-result)) nil 
(org-load-modules-maybe) (move-marker org-open-link-marker (point)) (setq 
org-window-config-before-follow-link (current-window-configuration)) 
(org-remove-occur-highlights nil nil t) (cond ((and (org-at-heading-p) (not 
(org-at-timestamp-p t)) (not (org-in-regexp (concat org-plain-link-re "\\|" 
org-bracket-link-regexp "\\|" org-angle-link-re "\\|" "[     ]:[^     \n]+:[    
 ]*$"))) (not (get-text-property (point) (quote org-linked-text)))) (or 
(org-offer-links-in-entry arg) (progn (require (quote org-attach)) 
(org-attach-reveal (quote if-exists))))) ((run-hook-with-args-until-success 
(quote org-open-at-point-functions))) ((org-at-timestamp-p t) 
(org-follow-timestamp-link)) ((and (or (org-footnote-at-reference-p) 
(org-footnote-at-definition-p)) (not (org-in-regexp org-bracket-link-regexp))) 
(org-footnote-action)) (t (let (type path link line search (pos (point))) (catch
 (quote match) (save-excursion (skip-chars-forward "^]\n
") (when (org-in-regexp org-bracket-link-regexp 1) (setq link ...) (while ... 
...) (setq link ...) (cond ... ... ...) (throw ... t))) (when 
(get-text-property (point) (quote org-linked-text)) (setq type "thisfile" pos 
(if ... ... ...) path (buffer-substring ... ...)) (throw (quote match) t)) 
(save-excursion (when (or ... ...) (setq type ... path ...) (throw ... t))) 
(save-excursion (when (org-in-regexp ...) (setq type "tags" path ...) (while 
... ...) (throw ... t))) (when (org-in-regexp "<\\([^><\n]+\\)>") (setq type 
"tree-match" path (match-string 1)) (throw (quote match) t))) (unless path 
(error "No link found")) (with-current-buffer (or reference-buffer 
(current-buffer)) (if (string-match " +\\'" path) (setq path (replace-match "" 
t t path))) (if (and org-link-translation-function (fboundp 
org-link-translation-function)) (let (...) (setq type ... path ...))) (cond 
((assoc type org-link-protocols) (funcall ... path)) ((equal type "mailto") 
(let ... ...
 ... ...)) ((member type ...) (browse-url ...)) ((string= type "doi") 
(browse-url ...)) ((member type ...) (browse-url ...)) ((string= type "tags") 
(org-tags-view arg path)) ((string= type "tree-match") (org-occur ...)) 
((string= type "file") (if ... ... ...) (if ... ... ...)) ((string= type 
"shell") (let ... ...)) ((string= type "elisp") (let ... ...)) ((and ... ...)) 
((string= type "thisfile") (if arg ... ...) (let ... ...)) (t 
(browse-url-at-point))))))) (move-marker org-open-link-marker nil) 
(run-hook-with-args (quote org-follow-link-hook)))
  (unless (call-interactively (function org-babel-open-src-block-result)) 
(org-load-modules-maybe) (move-marker org-open-link-marker (point)) (setq 
org-window-config-before-follow-link (current-window-configuration)) 
(org-remove-occur-highlights nil nil t) (cond ((and (org-at-heading-p) (not 
(org-at-timestamp-p t)) (not (org-in-regexp (concat org-plain-link-re "\\|" 
org-bracket-link-regexp "\\|" org-angle-link-re "\\|" "[     ]:[^     \n]+:[    
 ]*$"))) (not (get-text-property (point) (quote org-linked-text)))) (or 
(org-offer-links-in-entry arg) (progn (require (quote org-attach)) 
(org-attach-reveal (quote if-exists))))) ((run-hook-with-args-until-success 
(quote org-open-at-point-functions))) ((org-at-timestamp-p t) 
(org-follow-timestamp-link)) ((and (or (org-footnote-at-reference-p) 
(org-footnote-at-definition-p)) (not (org-in-regexp org-bracket-link-regexp))) 
(org-footnote-action)) (t (let (type path link line search (pos (point))) (catch
 (quote match) (save-excursion (skip-chars-forward "^]\n
") (when (org-in-regexp org-bracket-link-regexp 1) (setq link ...) (while ... 
...) (setq link ...) (cond ... ... ...) (throw ... t))) (when 
(get-text-property (point) (quote org-linked-text)) (setq type "thisfile" pos 
(if ... ... ...) path (buffer-substring ... ...)) (throw (quote match) t)) 
(save-excursion (when (or ... ...) (setq type ... path ...) (throw ... t))) 
(save-excursion (when (org-in-regexp ...) (setq type "tags" path ...) (while 
... ...) (throw ... t))) (when (org-in-regexp "<\\([^><\n]+\\)>") (setq type 
"tree-match" path (match-string 1)) (throw (quote match) t))) (unless path 
(error "No link found")) (with-current-buffer (or reference-buffer 
(current-buffer)) (if (string-match " +\\'" path) (setq path (replace-match "" 
t t path))) (if (and org-link-translation-function (fboundp 
org-link-translation-function)) (let (...) (setq type ... path ...))) (cond 
((assoc type org-link-protocols) (funcall ... path)) ((equal type "mailto") 
(let ... ...
 ... ...)) ((member type ...) (browse-url ...)) ((string= type "doi") 
(browse-url ...)) ((member type ...) (browse-url ...)) ((string= type "tags") 
(org-tags-view arg path)) ((string= type "tree-match") (org-occur ...)) 
((string= type "file") (if ... ... ...) (if ... ... ...)) ((string= type 
"shell") (let ... ...)) ((string= type "elisp") (let ... ...)) ((and ... ...)) 
((string= type "thisfile") (if arg ... ...) (let ... ...)) (t 
(browse-url-at-point))))))) (move-marker org-open-link-marker nil) 
(run-hook-with-args (quote org-follow-link-hook)))
  org-open-at-mouse((mouse-2 (#<window 3 on test.org> 1243 (171 . 50) 5105819 
nil 1243 (19 . 3) nil (3 . 2) (8 . 16))))
  call-interactively(org-open-at-mouse nil nil)

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