#+NAME: test1
#+begin_src python :results value :preamble # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- :return b
a = ( ( "é", "a" ), ( "a", "à" ) )
b = "é"
#+RESULTS: test1
: é
#+NAME: test2
#+begin_src python :results value :preamble # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- :return a
a = ( ( "é", "a" ), ( "a", "à" ) )
b = "é"
#+RESULTS: test2
| \303\251 | a |
| a | \303\240 |
I don't understand why the accented characters are replaced by some codes when the results is interpreted as org-table...
Any idea, workaround to solve my problem would be much appreciated!
I use Org-mode version 8.0.2 (8.0.2-2-g93da18-elpaplus @ /home/roland/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20130429/).
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,