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Re: [O] [Babel][R] Inclusion of multi-line named code blocks in R code

From: Alexander Vorobiev
Subject: Re: [O] [Babel][R] Inclusion of multi-line named code blocks in R code
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 10:14:56 -0500

I found an answer to my question. It turned out this behavior is described in the documentation for org-babel-expand-noweb-references:

"Note that any text preceding the <<foo>> construct on a line will be interposed between the lines of the replacement text.  So for example if <<foo>> is placed behind a comment, then the entire replacement text will also be commented." 

It is also documented in the manual http://orgmode.org/manual/noweb.html#noweb in the "Noweb prefix lines" section.

So, in my case the solution is to put the <<long-sql>> reference on the next line:

#+begin_src R :session *R* :noweb yes
  result <- submit_query("

It doesn't look as nice as before but it works.


On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 7:43 PM, Alexander Vorobiev <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Tom,

Unfortunately I can't have pure SQL output in my org files for two reasons:

1. The result set I am dealing with for this particular problem is about 20000 records
2. My SQL server (Netezza, "big data appliance") is not supported by Babel-SQL. I configured sql-mode to work with Netezza but session-based SQL is not supported by Babel either. I started adding support for SQL sessions to ob-sql.el and it kind of works but the results I am getting are inconsistent and only a small subset of header parameters is supported. Of course I haven't tested is with any other database. I can share what I've done if anybody is interested.


On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 5:27 PM, Thomas S. Dye <address@hidden> wrote:
Aloha Alex,

My work flow in this situation evaluates the SQL to create an Org-mode
table, which serves as input to the R source code block.

For me, seeing the SQL output in a table is a sanity check.


Alexander Vorobiev <address@hidden> writes:

> I have R code which submits SQL statements to a database server. Since the
> SQL is rather complex, I want to put it into a separate code block in order
> to have proper formatting, syntax highlighting, etc:
> #+name: long-sql
> #+begin_src sql
>     select *
>     from many, tables
>     where
>         complex_condition1 = 1,
>         complex_condition2 = 2
> #+end_src
> * Load the data to R session
> #+begin_src R :session *R* :noweb yes
>     result <- submit_query('<<long-sql>>')
> #+end_src
> Unfortunately, the R block doesn't work. When I open the file generated by
> Babel, I see this:
> result <- submit_query('select *
> result <- submit_query('from many, tables
> etc
> instead of the one R submit_query call with my SQL statement as an
> argument. Is there anything I can do to achieve that?
> Thanks
> Alex
> I have R code which submits SQL statements to a database server. Since
> the SQL is rather complex, I want to put it into a separate code block
> in order to have proper formatting, syntax highlighting, etc:
> #+name: long-sql
> #+begin_src sql
> select *
> from many, tables
> where
> complex_condition1 = 1,
> complex_condition2 = 2
> #+end_src
> * Load the data to R session
> #+begin_src R :session *R* :noweb yes
> result <- submit_query('<<long-sql>>')
> #+end_src
> Unfortunately, the R block doesn't work. When I open the file
> generated by Babel, I see this:
> result <- submit_query('select *
> result <- submit_query('from many, tables
> etc
> instead of the one R submit_query call with my SQL statement as an
> argument. Is there anything I can do to achieve that?
> Thanks
> Alex

Thomas S. Dye

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