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Re: [O] org-caldav: Syncing Error: Could not find UID...
From: |
Detlef Steuer |
Subject: |
Re: [O] org-caldav: Syncing Error: Could not find UID... |
Date: |
Tue, 10 Dec 2013 11:01:23 +0100 |
I spent most of yesterday afternoon on toying with org-caldav.
It came out as a more or less frustrating afternoon.
A while (a year?) ago I had setup a _working_ script to export multiple
calendars to owncloud. Owncloud wasn´t stable enough at that time, so I
stopped using it. Now I´m trying to setup a "department cloud" and
use it again.
Two (small) of my three org files are exported fine as expected.
That means it works in principle.
The third (large) file gives a lot of problems.
1. I had the same error message as Daniel. I remember my critical UID
beginning with TS10...., too. Strange.
2. _All_ headlines get IDs. Not only those with an active time stamp.
The note to self "Do experiments on copies only" now has red color
and an increased font size.
3. While stepping through my script line by line I saw some R and lisp
Code executed by org-babel while exporting calendar data. That was
unexpected for me and I *believe* that was related to the UID error.
I am not sure, but at one point it *once* exported my ToDos,
afterwards returning the good old UID error.
(org-caldav-delete-everything) didn´t change a thing here,
All components used were recent git pulls.
Because I tried more an more things with increasing levels of impatience
I have no useful logs, but I at least want to confirm Daniels problems.
Here is my setup for export (HOSTNAME replaced):
=== Todo.el
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/GIT/org-mode/lisp/")
(require 'org)
(setq org-icalendar-include-todo t)
(setq org-icalendar-use-deadline '(todo-due))
(setq org-icalendar-use-scheduled '(event-if-not-todo))
(require 'auth-source)
(setq auth-sources '((:source "~/.netrc" :host t :protocol t)))
(setq auth-source-debug t)
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/GIT/org-caldav/")
(setq org-caldav-url
(setq org-caldav-calendar-id "todo")
(setq org-caldav-files '("~/.pim/todo.org") )
(setq org-caldav-inbox "~/.pim/caldav-inbox.org")
(require 'org-caldav)
This is called with:
emacs --batch --load ${HOME}/Scripts/Todo.el
inside a larger script.
When I find time I´ll construct a minimal example, but not today.
Any hints very appreciated.
Am Fri, 06 Dec 2013 13:13:35 +0100
schrieb Daniel Thom <address@hidden>:
> Hi,
> because of this error i switched from owncloud to baikal. But the
> error stays the same....
> Every sync aborts with the message:
> Could not find UID TS10-aa7e8257-c44f-47ef-b8ac-eb72130b8156.
> The Message Buffer says:
> Duplicate ID "29b80a9d-597d-459e-bea5-f5f671b59ea5", also in file
> .....
> .....
> ....
> WARNING: 28 duplicate IDs found, check Messages buffer
> progn: Could not find UID TS10-aa7e8257-c44f-47ef-b8ac-eb72130b8156.
> I have also run "C-u M-x org-caldav-delete-everything" but it changed
> nothing. :-(
> How can i solve this error?
> Emacs Version: GNU Emacs
> orgmode Version: Org-mode version 8.2.1
> org-caldav: fresh install (git clone)