Dnia 2014-01-22, o godz. 12:55:43
Marcin Borkowski <address@hidden> napisaĆ(a):
Hi list,
I have the following problem: I want to schedule quite a few short (10
minutes, say) appointments with my students ("mass" is probably an
exaggeration, but there are going to be around 50 of them). I'll have
several time slots, and I want the students to reserve one for each of
them. I'd like to publish a table with "free/reserved" info on the
web. I don't want any fancy web forms and automatic reservation, just
emails+manual updates of the table. Can you imagine any way Org (with
tables, or maybe scheduling) might help, so that I don't have to write
html by hand, for instance?
Just for the record: I ended up using Org to prepare a table with the
possible time slots, which was then printed and attached to a pinboard
near my room. Then, each student could come and write down his/her name
in a selected slot (with a pen). This way, I solved the problem of
race conditions in (probably) the simplest possible way...