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Re: [O] Repeated teaching classes and stopping date

From: Xavier Garrido
Subject: Re: [O] Repeated teaching classes and stopping date
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 09:07:23 +0100
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Hi Rasmus,

Le 10/11/2014 18:37, Rasmus a écrit :
Hi Xavier,

Xavier Garrido <address@hidden> writes:

I'm trying to move to =org-agenda= and I'm converting some of my
Google Calendar entries into Org agenda entries. I'm facing an issue
with repeated tasks and how to properly stop the event. Consider the
following entry :

* [Master 1] Nuclear & particle class
<2015-01-21 mer. 14:00-16:00 +1w>--<2015-03-22 dim.>

For me it means, I will teach every week @ 14:00 to 16:00 until the
22th of March. I am surely doing something bad since the events
actually appear every day until the 22th of March. It basically works
when I remove the --<2015-03-22 dim.> but then how to stop the
repeated tasks.

Sorry if the answer is obvious but I have read org-mode manual
(http://orgmode.org/manual/Repeated-tasks.html) and other "timestamp"
related pages and I didn't find a way to do that.
Did you check `org-class'?  Also check
`org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift'.  If you search for the latter you
will find a recent discussion on what I think is the topic you are
interested in.

Thanks for the hints, I should have read the FAQ first since my problem 
is clearly addressed (here for example 
http://orgmode.org/worg/org-faq.html#diary-sexp-in-org-files). In SO 
this guy also have the same problem 
I will try to slightly modify the ical2org.awk file from Eric Fraga 
http://orgmode.org/worg/code/awk/ical2org.awk to automatically converts 
ical file into org and to manage this repeating task. I have to say that 
it is a bit frustrating that the syntax <YYYY-MM-DD +1w>--<YYYY-MM-DD> 
is not working because it is pretty simple and quite elegant.
Hope it helps,


  |__     GARRIDO Xavier       Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire
   /\     NEMO                 Université Paris-Sud 11
  /--\    address@hidden UMR 8607
  |       address@hidden     Batiment 200
  |__     +33    91898 Orsay Cedex, France

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