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Re: [O] Missing org-mode manual page: Validating OpenDocument XML

From: Monroe, Will
Subject: Re: [O] Missing org-mode manual page: Validating OpenDocument XML
Date: Wed, 04 Mar 2015 15:13:53 -0600
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Removing undo-tree was all it took.  The export to ODT works without any problems now.  Huzzah!

I take your point regarding care with repositories.  FWIW, the org-mode Lisp I'm using is the one that arrives "built-in" to Emacs.  I removed the MELPA and marmalade repositories and just have the "gnu" and "org" (http://orgmode.org/elpa/) repositories now.

The bigger lesson from this for me as a beginner is to take greater care with my init.el settings and to be cautious about the packages that I install.

Thanks so much for your help!


On 3/4/15 10:00 AM, Vaidheeswaran C wrote:
In your init.el search for undo-tree and remove it (temporarily) Or do
M-x list-packages and uninstall the undo-tree elpa package.

loext:contextual-spacing comes from your styles file.  Find out where
the style file comes from.

If you are using Org package from non-GNU repositories, I would
strongly recommend that you install from official GNU repositories.
i.e., C-h v package-archives and remove all the non-GNU or non-Orgmode

On Wednesday 04 March 2015 07:07 PM, Will Monroe wrote:
Thanks so much for your reply!  I think I'm getting closer to
understanding what's happening.

On 03/03/2015 10:27 PM, Vaidheeswaran C wrote:
I am not sure what is happening.  Some suggestions:

1. C-h v temporary-file-directory.  Check this variable, particularly
    if your are on Windows machine.

2. Load Emacs without your custom settings.

    a) emacs -Q -L /path/to/org/library

       (`-L' option not needed if org comes from your Emacs

    b) Once Emacs is loaded, do

       M-x load-library ox-odt

       Note where the styles and schema files come from.
After following these instructions, I got the following results in Message:

| For information about GNU Emacs and the GNU system, type C-h C-a.
| Loading ox-odt...
| Debug (ox-odt): Searching for OpenDocument styles files...
| Debug (ox-odt): Trying /usr/share/emacs/etc/org/styles/... [2 times]
| Debug (ox-odt): Trying /home/will/.emacs.d/etc/styles/...
| Debug (ox-odt): Trying
| Debug (ox-odt): Using styles under
| Debug (ox-odt): Searching for OpenDocument schema files...
| Debug (ox-odt): Trying /usr/share/emacs/etc/org/schema/... [2 times]
| Debug (ox-odt): No OpenDocument schema files installed
| Loading ox-odt...done

These style files are the same ones I've used in prior exports in which
I've seen the errors that I reported in my earlier emails.  I note the
absence of OpenDocument schema files. As I understand it, they're aren't
essential for the export to ODT process but are used for troubleshooting
instead.  Perhaps I've misunderstood that though.

    c) Proceed with export
I opened the same .org file that I'd had trouble exporting and used `C-c
o O' to invoke export to ODT and then to prompt the file to be opened in
LibreOffice Writer  It opened without any of the problems I'd
seen previously.  The Messages output is below.

| LaTeX to MathML converter not available.
| Formatting LaTeX using verbatim
| Embedding /home/will/Dropbox/org/panopto-create-recording.png as
| Wrote /tmp/odt-3818xsy/meta.xml
| Using vacuous schema [2 times]
| Saving file /tmp/odt-3818xsy/styles.xml...
| Wrote /tmp/odt-3818xsy/styles.xml
| Using vacuous schema
| Wrote /tmp/odt-3818xsy/mimetype
| Using vacuous schema
| Saving file /tmp/odt-3818xsy/META-INF/manifest.xml...
| Wrote /tmp/odt-3818xsy/META-INF/manifest.xml
| Saving file /tmp/odt-3818xsy/content.xml...
| Wrote /tmp/odt-3818xsy/content.xml
| (No changes need to be saved)
| Creating ODT file...
| Running zip -mX0 work.odt mimetype
| Running zip -rmTq work.odt .
| Created /home/will/Dropbox/org/work.odt
| Parsing archive file...done.
| Running soffice --nologo --writer /home/will/Dropbox/org/work.odt...done

I noted that none of the "undo-tree" duplicate xml files that were cited
as errors in the OpenDocument validator showed up.

3.  I will focus on XML errors like "loext:contextual-spacing" etc.

     The style file used by the exporter comes from `OrgOdtStyles.xml'
     (Check messages buffer for where this file comes from).  This file
     has no such attributes.

     Which version of LibreOffice you are using?  Where did you get
     style files from?  Are you using #+ODT_STYLES_FILE option etc....
I'm using LibreOffice  Although I've used style options--I
think I just had them listed as #+OPTIONS--I removed them in earlier
tests to see if they were causing problems.

After running this test, I tried it out again with my usual
configuration.  I got the same LibreOffice "input/output" errors and saw
this in Messages:

| Formatting LaTeX using verbatim
| Embedding /home/will/Dropbox/org/panopto-create-recording.png as
| Wrote /tmp/odt-37886-H/meta.xml
| Using vacuous schema
| Local Ispell dictionary set to american
| Using vacuous schema
| Local Ispell dictionary set to american
| Saving file /tmp/odt-37886-H/styles.xml...
| Wrote /tmp/odt-37886-H/.styles.xml.~undo-tree~
| Wrote /tmp/odt-37886-H/styles.xml
| Using vacuous schema
| Local Ispell dictionary set to american
| Wrote /tmp/odt-37886-H/mimetype
| Using vacuous schema
| Local Ispell dictionary set to american
| Saving file /tmp/odt-37886-H/META-INF/manifest.xml...
| Wrote /tmp/odt-37886-H/META-INF/.manifest.xml.~undo-tree~
| Wrote /tmp/odt-37886-H/META-INF/manifest.xml
| Saving file /tmp/odt-37886-H/content.xml...
| Wrote /tmp/odt-37886-H/.content.xml.~undo-tree~
| Wrote /tmp/odt-37886-H/content.xml
| (No changes need to be saved)
| Creating ODT file...
| Running zip -mX0 work.odt mimetype
| Running zip -rmTq work.odt .
| Created /home/will/Dropbox/org/work.odt
| Parsing archive file...done.
| Running soffice --nologo --writer /home/will/Dropbox/org/work.odt...done

Just as i have with every other attempt using my normal configuration
from my custom init.el, these messages about "undo-tree" xml files appear.

After testing all of this, I've learned that my existing version of
LibreOffice is working, my Emacs and org-mode Lisp files are fine, and
that the *.org file that I want to export to ODT can be exported

So what is causing the "undo-tree" error and what is causing the
"loext:contextual-spacing" errors?  With regard to the "undo-tree"
errors, since I've been able to overcome them by eliminating my init.el,
I am under the impression that the problem lies there and that I need to
scrutinize my config to find out what's going wrong.  The approach that
comes to mind is to remove all my org-mode settings, see if exporting
works and then to slowly add the settings back.

But the other error, "loext:contextual-spacing", is something I have no
idea about.

Your replies have been immensely helpful.  I'm still very much a
beginner and it helps to have a dialogue with someone about problems
like these that are ambiguous, at least to me.

If you have any other suggestions for how to proceed, please don't hold
back.  I'm learning a lot this way.

All the best,



On Wednesday 04 March 2015 03:19 AM, Monroe, Will wrote:
   On 3/3/15 2:26 PM, Vaidheeswaran C wrote:
On Tuesday 03 March 2015 08:41 PM, Monroe, Will wrote:

I'm trying to troubleshoot a corrupt ODT file that I've exported
from org-mode.
The org-mode manual provides some guidance for this process on the
OpenDocument XML" page (see

It mentions validation of an ODT document against the "OpenDocument
Compact Syntax (RNC) schema".  I have obtained the xml and RNC
files from the
org-mode Github site but I'm unsure how to use them.  The org-mode
manual page
mentions general help in the Introduction (see
http://orgmode.org/nxml-mode/Introduction.html#Introduction) but I
get a 404
error when I attempt to load the page.

Does anyone know where I can read this guide?
You can avoid the cross-manual link errors, by using the manuals at
gnu.org site:


For verification, this is roughly what you need to do:

1. Copy over schema file.
2. Reload Emacs.
3. C-x C-f file.odt
4. Press ENTER on content.xml
5. C-c C-n (M-x rng-next-error)


You can try an online validator:http://odf-validator.rhcloud.com/

Based on my own experience, your *.org file is NOT in utf-8 and uses
non-English characters (whatever they are called).  Just switch the
file to utf-8 encoding and you will be all set.

Thanks for your reply.  I checked the text formatting of the .org
document and
it was utf-8 (confirmed by Emacs "U" in the modeline).  I also tried
it again and looking at the Messages--can't believe I didn't do that
to begin
with--and I saw this:

| LaTeX to MathML converter not available.
| Formatting LaTeX using verbatim
| Embedding /Users/wmonro1/Dropbox/org/panopto-create-recording.png as
| Wrote
| Using schema
~/Dropbox/emacs/org-odt-schema/schema/od-schema-v1.2-os.rnc [2 times]
| Saving file

| Wrote

| Wrote
| Using vacuous schema
| Wrote
| Using vacuous schema
| Saving file

| Wrote

| Wrote

| Saving file

| Wrote

| Wrote

| (No changes need to be saved)
| Creating ODT file...
| Running zip -mX0 work.odt mimetype
| Running zip -rmTq work.odt .
| Created /Users/wmonro1/Dropbox/org/work.odt
| Parsing archive file...done.
| Running open /Users/wmonro1/Dropbox/org/work.odt...done
| Parsing archive file...done.

The presence of the /.content.xml.~undo-tree~,
/.manifest.xml.~undo-tree~, and
/.styles.xml.~undo-tree~ got my attention.  After submitting the
document to the
online validator (default settings used), these files, undoubtedly
created by my
personal inspection in Emacs, showed up again:

| Details:
| work.odt: Info: ODF version of root document: 1.2
| work.odt/META-INF/manifest.xml: Error: The file
shall be listed in the 'META-INF/manifest.xml' file as it exists in
the ODF
package 'work.odt'!
| work.odt/META-INF/manifest.xml: Error: The file
shall be listed in the 'META-INF/manifest.xml' file as it exists in
the ODF
package 'work.odt'!
| work.odt/META-INF/manifest.xml: Error: The file
'META-INF/.manifest.xml.~undo-tree~' shall be listed in the
'META-INF/manifest.xml' file as it exists in the ODF package 'work.odt'!
| work.odt/META-INF/manifest.xml: Warning: The directory 'Images/' is
not a
sub-document and should not be listed in the 'META-INF/manifest.xml'
file of ODF
package 'work.odt'!
Info: parsed.
| work.odt/META-INF/manifest.xml: Info: 3 errors, 1 warnings
| work.odt/mimetype: Info: no errors, no warnings
| work.odt: Info: Media Type: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
| internal:/schema/odf1.2/OpenDocument-v1.2-cos01-schema.rng: Info:
| work.odt/meta.xml: Info: Generator:
| work.odt/meta.xml: Info: no errors, no warnings
| work.odt/styles.xml[2,6289]: Error: unexpected attribute
| work.odt/styles.xml[2,7187]: Error: unexpected attribute
| work.odt/styles.xml[2,7885]: Error: unexpected attribute
| work.odt/styles.xml[2,15357]: Error: unexpected attribute
| work.odt/styles.xml[2,16222]: Error: unexpected attribute
| work.odt/styles.xml[2,25655]: Error: unexpected attribute
| work.odt/styles.xml[2,26198]: Error: unexpected attribute
| work.odt/styles.xml[2,26482]: Error: unexpected attribute
| work.odt/styles.xml[2,27530]: Error: unexpected attribute
| work.odt/styles.xml[2,28689]: Error: unexpected attribute
| work.odt/styles.xml[2,29340]: Error: unexpected attribute
| work.odt/styles.xml[2,34718]: Error: unexpected attribute
| work.odt/styles.xml[2,43716]: Error: unexpected attribute
| work.odt/styles.xml: Info: 13 errors, no warnings
| work.odt/content.xml: Info: no errors, no warnings
| internal:/schema/odf1.2/OpenDocument-v1.2-cos01-dsig-schema.rng:
Info: parsed.
| work.odt: Info: 16 errors, 1 warnings

So my best guess is that I need to remove ~undo-tree files to
generate an ODT
file that is valid.  Although I'm at a loss as to where these files
might be.
I've checked in .emacs.d/elpa/org, where my org-mode is installed and
in the
default `org-odt-data-dir' that I set.

Am I on the right track?  If so, is there another place where the
style files
might reside?




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