From: | Peter Salazar |
Subject: | Re: [O] Babel error on init with 8.3.1 |
Date: | Mon, 10 Aug 2015 22:45:14 -0400 |
Same thing if I run emacs -Q --eval '(setq user-emacs-directory "~/Downloads/tmp/emacsd/")' -l ~/Downloads/tmp/emacsd/scratch.el
Is this part of the problem, or is that part OK?
Peter Salazar <address@hidden> wrote:
> Thanks. Tried that, but then when I launch regular Emacs with my init file,
> I still get this error:
> https://gist.github.com/512c4934d5351a47b2a1
> Any other ideas?
Maybe the builtin Org is being loaded before your elpa version. (In the
backtrace you posted from your startup, I see a find-file call with an
Org file.) What does org-version say?
> On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 7:18 PM, Cook, Malcolm <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Try that recipe again but without the org-reload. That is forcing org to
>> load. You don’t WANT org loaded when you build it again inside the package
>> manager.
Yes, I agree that it is better to install in a clean session without Org
loaded. The idea behind the other recipe is that, if an Org install
with compilation issues is already loaded, it loads the uncompiled files
from the new Org version.
This seems to help in my tests.
1. emacs -Q --eval '(setq user-emacs-directory "/tmp/emacsd/")' -l /tmp/scratch.el
,---- /tmp/scratch.el
| (require 'package)
| (add-to-list 'package-archives '("org" . "http://orgmode.org/elpa/") t)
| (package-initialize)
2. Load the builtin Org.
3. Go to list-packages and install 'org-20150810'. This results in many
compilation issues (see end of message).
4. C-u M-x org-reload
5. Uninstall and then reinstall with package-list-packages. This gets
rid of all compilation issues except
org-gnus.el:305:1:Warning: the following functions might not be defined at runtime:
gnus-summary-goto-subject, gnus-summary-select-article,
gnus-activate-group, gnus-group-read-group,
gnus-summary-goto-article, gnus-group-jump-to-group
If I instead run #1-3, restart Emacs and then run #5, I get
ob-C.el:118:34:Warning: `(c cpp)' is a malformed function
ob-C.el:118:34:Warning: `(c cpp)' is a malformed function
In org-babel-C-val-to-C-type:
ob-C.el:310:45:Warning: `t' called as a function
In org-babel-C-utility-header-to-C:
ob-C.el:387:8:Warning: `(c cpp)' is a malformed function
In org-babel-C-header-to-C:
ob-C.el:413:33:Warning: `(c cpp)' is a malformed function
ob-C.el:413:33:Warning: `(c cpp)' is a malformed function
In end of data:
ob-C.el:440:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to be defined: case, c, cpp,
d, t
in addition to the org-gnus-related message above.
If I run the same test as above but don't trigger an Org load before
installing 'org-20150810' (i.e., #1 and then #3), there are no
compilation issues.
,---- Compilation issues when installing 'org-20150810' with 8.2.10 loaded
| In org-babel-C-execute:
| ob-C.el:118:34:Warning: `(c cpp)' is a malformed function
| ob-C.el:118:34:Warning: `(c cpp)' is a malformed function
| In org-babel-C-val-to-C-type:
| ob-C.el:310:45:Warning: `t' called as a function
| In org-babel-C-utility-header-to-C:
| ob-C.el:387:8:Warning: `(c cpp)' is a malformed function
| In org-babel-C-header-to-C:
| ob-C.el:413:33:Warning: `(c cpp)' is a malformed function
| ob-C.el:413:33:Warning: `(c cpp)' is a malformed function
| In end of data:
| ob-C.el:440:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to be defined: case, c, cpp,
| d, t
| ob-R.el:72:11:Warning: reference to free variable `org-babel-safe-header-args'
| In end of data:
| ob-R.el:470:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to be defined:
| org-babel-header-args-safe-fn, org-babel-graphical-output-file
| In org-babel-get-src-block-info:
| ob-core.el:266:30:Warning: org-babel-named-src-block-regexp-for-name called
| with 0 arguments, but requires 1
| In org-babel-set-current-result-hash:
| ob-core.el:1268:8:Warning: function org-babel-set-current-result-hash used to
| take 1 argument, now takes 2
| In org-babel-exp-src-block:
| ob-exp.el:133:59:Warning: reference to free variable
| `org-babel-exp-reference-buffer'
| In org-babel-exp-process-buffer:
| ob-exp.el:157:8:Warning: function org-babel-exp-process-buffer used to take 0
| arguments, now takes 1
| In org-babel-exp-do-export:
| ob-exp.el:328:50:Warning: org-babel-exp-code called with 2 arguments, but
| accepts only 1
| ob-exp.el:331:39:Warning: org-babel-exp-code called with 2 arguments, but
| accepts only 1
| In org-babel-exp-code:
| ob-exp.el:375:8:Warning: function org-babel-exp-code used to take 1 argument,
| now takes 2
| ob-exp.el:383:21:Warning: reference to free variable
| `org-babel-exp-reference-buffer'
| In org-babel-exp-results:
| ob-exp.el:414:27:Warning: reference to free variable
| `org-babel-exp-reference-buffer'
| In end of data:
| ob-exp.el:450:1:Warning: the function `org-babel-remove-inline-result' is not
| known to be defined.
| In org-babel-lob-execute:
| ob-lob.el:159:35:Warning: org-babel-current-result-hash called with 1
| argument, but accepts only 0
| ob-lob.el:171:12:Warning: org-babel-set-current-result-hash called with 2
| arguments, but accepts only 1
| In end of data:
| ob-maxima.el:128:1:Warning: the function `org-babel-graphical-output-file' is
| not known to be defined.
| In end of data:
| ob-octave.el:277:1:Warning: the function `org-babel-graphical-output-file' is
| not known to be defined.
| In org-babel-ref-resolve:
| ob-ref.el:129:30:Warning: reference to free variable
| `org-babel-exp-reference-buffer'
| In org-agenda-show-1:
| org-agenda.el:8704:10:Warning: org-cycle-hide-drawers called with 2 arguments,
| but accepts only 1
| In org-agenda-insert-diary-as-top-level:
| org-agenda.el:9518:4:Warning: org-insert-heading called with 3 arguments, but
| accepts only 0-2
| In end of data:
| org-agenda.el:10193:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to be defined: org-get-at-eol,
| org-end-of-meta-data, org-show-set-visibility
| In end of data:
| org-capture.el:1844:1:Warning: the function `org-end-of-meta-data' is not
| known to be defined.
| In org-clock-jump-to-current-clock:
| org-clock.el:960:23:Warning: org-flag-drawer called with 2 arguments, but
| accepts only 1
| In org-clock-find-position:
| org-clock.el:1517:35:Warning: reference to free variable
| `org-planning-line-re'
| In org-clock-remove-empty-clock-drawer:
| org-clock.el:1659:12:Warning: org-remove-empty-drawer-at called with 1
| argument, but requires 2
| In org-clock-cancel:
| org-clock.el:1729:17:Warning: org-remove-empty-drawer-at called with 1
| argument, but requires 2
| In end of data:
| org-clock.el:3036:1:Warning: the function `font-lock-ensure' is not known to
| be defined.
| In end of data:
| org-colview.el:1605:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to be defined:
| org-get-priority-face, org-in-commented-heading-p
| In org-element--get-node-properties:
| org-element.el:864:29:Warning: reference to free variable
| `org-planning-line-re'
| In org-element--get-time-properties:
| org-element.el:879:45:Warning: reference to free variable
| `org-planning-line-re'
| In org-element-property-drawer-parser:
| org-element.el:1422:8:Warning: function org-element-property-drawer-parser
| used to take 2 arguments, now takes 1
| In org-element--current-element:
| org-element.el:3747:46:Warning: reference to free variable
| `org-planning-line-re'
| org-element.el:3757:21:Warning: reference to free variable `org-clock-line-re'
| In org-element-interpret-data:
| org-element.el:4397:8:Warning: function org-element-interpret-data used to
| take 1-2 arguments, now takes 1
| In org-element-at-point:
| org-element.el:5645:8:Warning: function org-element-at-point used to take 0-1
| arguments, now takes 0
| In end of data:
| org-element.el:6006:1:Warning: the function `org-macro-extract-arguments' is
| not known to be defined.
| In end of data:
| org-gnus.el:305:1:Warning: the following functions might not be defined at runtime:
| gnus-summary-goto-subject, gnus-summary-select-article,
| gnus-activate-group, gnus-group-read-group,
| gnus-summary-goto-article, gnus-group-jump-to-group
| In org-habit-parse-todo:
| org-habit.el:207:19:Warning: reference to free variable
| `org-ts-regexp-inactive'
| In org-edit-src-code:
| org-src.el:814:8:Warning: function org-edit-src-code used to take 0-3
| arguments, now takes 0-2
| In org-edit-src-exit:
| org-src.el:933:8:Warning: function org-edit-src-exit used to take 0-1
| arguments, now takes 0
| In end of data:
| org-timer.el:510:1:Warning: the function `org-get-at-eol' is not known to be
| defined.
| In org-cycle-hide-drawers:
| org.el:7202:18:Warning: org-flag-drawer called with 2 arguments, but accepts
| only 1
| In org-tree-to-indirect-buffer:
| org.el:7632:17:Warning: org-get-indirect-buffer called with 2 arguments, but
| accepts only 0-1
| In org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift:
| org.el:8805:18:Warning: org-remove-empty-drawer-at called with 1 argument, but
| requires 2
| In org-insert-all-links:
| org.el:10187:8:Warning: function org-insert-all-links used to take 0-1
| arguments, now takes 1-3
| In org-link-search:
| org.el:11016:8:Warning: function org-link-search used to take 1-4 arguments,
| now takes 1-3
| In org-store-log-note:
| org.el:13768:12:Warning: org-remove-empty-drawer-at called with 1 argument,
| but requires 2
| In org-remove-empty-drawer-at:
| org.el:13809:8:Warning: function org-remove-empty-drawer-at used to take 2
| arguments, now takes 1
| In org-tags-expand:
| org.el:14648:34:Warning: org-tags-expand called with 4 arguments, but accepts
| only 1-3
| In org-get-property-block:
| org.el:15547:8:Warning: function org-get-property-block used to take 0-3
| arguments, now takes 0-2
| In org-entry-properties:
| org.el:15658:8:Warning: function org-entry-properties used to take 0-3
| arguments, now takes 0-2
| In org-entry-delete:
| org.el:15922:8:Warning: function org-entry-delete used to take 2-3 arguments,
| now takes 2
| In org-delete-property:
| org.el:16381:8:Warning: function org-delete-property used to take 1-2
| arguments, now takes 1
| In org-format-latex:
| org.el:19024:8:Warning: function org-format-latex used to take 1-7 arguments,
| now takes 1-6
| In end of data:
| org.el:25234:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to be defined:
| font-lock-ensure, org-edit-table.el, org-edit-export-block,
| org-edit-footnote-reference
| In end of data:
| ox-ascii.el:2138:1:Warning: the function `org-element-lineage' is not known to
| be defined.
| In end of data:
| ox-beamer.el:1191:1:Warning: the function `org-element-lineage' is not known
| to be defined.
| In end of data:
| ox-html.el:3617:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to be defined:
| font-lock-ensure, org-link-escape-browser
| In end of data:
| ox-icalendar.el:964:1:Warning: the function `org-element-lineage' is not known
| to be defined.
| In end of data:
| ox-latex.el:3540:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to be defined:
| org-element-lineage, org-element-insert-before,
| org-element-extract-element
| In end of data:
| ox-odt.el:4417:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to be defined:
| org-element-lineage, font-lock-ensure
| In end of data:
| ox-org.el:328:1:Warning: the function `font-lock-ensure' is not known to be
| defined.
| In end of data:
| ox-texinfo.el:1673:1:Warning: the function `org-element-lineage' is not known
| to be defined.
| In org-export-as:
| ox.el:2933:11:Warning: org-macro-replace-all called with 3 arguments, but
| accepts only 1
| ox.el:2972:42:Warning: org-macro-replace-all called with 3 arguments, but
| accepts only 1
| In org-export--inclusion-absolute-lines:
| ox.el:3314:33:Warning: reference to free variable `org-planning-line-re'
| In org-export-execute-babel-code:
| ox.el:3497:22:Warning: org-babel-exp-process-buffer called with 1 argument,
| but accepts only 0
| In end of data:
| ox.el:6446:1:Warning: the following functions are not known to be defined:
| org-element-extract-element, org-element-insert-before,
| org-element-create, org-element-lineage, org-element-copy,
| org-element-remove-indentation, org-element-secondary-p
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