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[O] Invalid function: org-babel-header-args-safe-fn in Melpa

From: John Kitchin
Subject: [O] Invalid function: org-babel-header-args-safe-fn in Melpa
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2016 10:19:49 -0500

Hi all,

I am trying to debug an issue with installing org-mode from Melpa.

After installing org from Melpa, I get this on starting emacs:

byte-code: Invalid function: org-babel-header-args-safe-fn
Org-mode version 8.3.3 (8.3.3-51-g30bcff-elpaplus @

It is happening when I try to change some default headers.

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (invalid-function org-babel-header-args-safe-fn)
  org-babel-header-args-safe-fn((:cache :colnames :comments :exports :epilogue 
:hlines :noeval :noweb :noweb-ref :noweb-sep :padline :prologue :rownames :sep 
:session :tangle :wrap (:eval "never" "query") (:results lambda (str) (not 
(string-match "file" str))) :width :height :bg :units :pointsize :antialias 
:quality :compression :res :type :family :title :fonts :version :paper 
:encoding :pagecentre :colormodel :useDingbats :horizontal))
\207" [ob-R-safe-header-args put org-babel-default-header-args:R 
safe-local-variable org-babel-header-args-safe-fn custom-declare-variable 
org-babel-R-command "R --slave --no-save" "Name of command to use for executing 
R code." :group org-babel :version "24.1" :type string] 10)
  #[(pair) "address@hidden      P!!\202%\307\305\310    P!!\210\307\305\311     
P!!*\207" [pair lang active symbol-name require intern "ob-" fmakunbound 
"org-babel-execute:" "org-babel-expand-body:"] 5]((R . t))
  mapc(#[(pair) "address@hidden P!!\202%\307\305\310    P!!\210\307\305\311     
P!!*\207" [pair lang active symbol-name require intern "ob-" fmakunbound 
"org-babel-execute:" "org-babel-expand-body:"] 5] ((emacs-lisp . t) (python . 
t) (sh . t) (matlab . t) (sqlite . t) (ruby . t) (perl . t) (org . t) (dot . t) 
(plantuml . t) (R . t)))
  org-babel-do-load-languages(org-babel-load-languages ((emacs-lisp . t) 
(python . t) (sh . t) (matlab . t) (sqlite . t) (ruby . t) (perl . t) (org . t) 
(dot . t) (plantuml . t) (R . t)))
  eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*> nil 
"/Users/jkitchin/Desktop/jmax-git/jmax-org.el" nil t)  ; Reading at buffer 
position 7097

If I run this:
     (expand-file-name "ob-R.el"
                      (file-name-directory (locate-library "org")))

the problem goes away.

I haven't been able to come up with a simple reproducible example. This
happens when I start my jmax starter kit from scratch. It does not
happen though if I strip that down to just installing org, then I do not
see the issue.

Any hints on tracking this down? Thanks,

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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