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Re: [O] Org is exporting to tex an asterisk between "section" and "{"

From: Eduardo Mercovich
Subject: Re: [O] Org is exporting to tex an asterisk between "section" and "{"
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2016 09:30:17 -0300
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.17; emacs 24.5.1

Dear Eric.

>>>> Troubleshooting a lack of ToC content in a exported PDF from org, I
>>>> found this issue. [...]

>>> Make sure you have
>>> #+options: num:t
>>> set.  Otherwise, sections are unnumbered.  I'm not sure what the default
>>> is.  Maybe you have "num:nil"?

>> I had nothing in the document, and your suggestion did the trick. [...]

>> However, I can't find this in the documentation... shouldn't something
>> like this be the default? If not, the ToC and the links are not rendered
>> or non-functional.

> It is documented, in [[info:org#Export%20settings][info:org#Export
> settings]], [...]
> Easy to miss as it is not LaTeX specific, of course.  It's a general
> setting that affects potentially any export engine but is obviously only
> relevant to some.

Sorry, I was totally unclear...

Being a total newbie I can't say that the resulting syntax is incorrect
(is it?), but at least in the case of latex, *not expressing this
specific option creates a non-functional latex file*. 

Shouldn't the exporter take care of this? Or at least, never export the
asterisk between the "section" and the brace (just in case, "{" since
I'm not an English native speaker).

Sorry if the case is irrelevant, I tried reading before posting but
found nothing to reassure me.

Thanks... :)

eduardo mercovich 

 Donde se cruzan tus talentos 
 con las necesidades del mundo, 
 ahí está tu vocación.

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