Hi Nicolas,
Please take a look at the updated patch. Changes:
- add ORG-NEWS entry
- add function declaration
- add input file template for `mssql' engine to remove the "affected rows" tail
On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 12:49 AM Nicolas Goaziou <
address@hidden> wrote:
Xi Shen <address@hidden> writes:
> I suppose I should put the news entry to ./etc/ORG-NEWS file, but into
> which version? I created below entry, please take look and let me know
> where do you want me to put it.
I'd say
Version 9.0 > New features > Babel
Version 9.0 > Miscellaneous
> *** Improved support to Microsoft SQL Server in =ob-sql.el=
> =ob-sql.el= library removes support to the ~msosql~ engine which uses
> the deprecated =osql= command line tool, and replaces it with ~mssql~
> engine which uses the =sqlcmd= command line tool. Use with properties
> like this:
> :engine mssql
> :dbhost <host.com>
> :dbuser <username>
> :dbpassword <secret>
> :database <database>
> If you want to use the *trusted connection* feature, omit *both* the
> =dbuser= and =dbpassword= properties and add =cmdline -E= to the
> properties.
> If your Emacs is running in a Cygwin environment, the =ob-sql.el=
> library can pass the converted path to the =sqlcmd= tool.
It looks good.
> I checked the code and it does not quote the arguments for me. It is a safe
> manner in Windows to always quote the path. So I will keep it.
Fair enough.
> I have a question. Currently the table generated by mssql engine has the
> "affected rows" append to the end, like this.
> | memberid | username | xx | flags |
> |-------------------+----------+------+-------|
> | 1 | GPL | Indo | NULL |
> | 2 | GPL | Indo | NULL |
> | | | | |
> | (2 rows affected) | | | |
> I personally prefer to remove it. Do you or the org community has a
> preference about this? Maybe I should keep the behavior align with other
> engines?
I lean towards removing it, too. I doesn't give useful feedback. We can
always insert it back later if it introduces unwanted side-effects.
Thank you.
Nicolas Goaziou