Hi and thx again
Sorry for not being clearer. im trying to tangle not the whole file (which i think is what org-babel-tangle does) but a specific header with all sub headers associated with it (they all create one file). after reading the org documentation at the time i created this function
(defun z/org-tangle-at-block ()
(let ((current-prefix-arg '(16)))
(call-interactively #'org-babel-tangle)))
so following the previous code blocks example, I previously went to the **** main i3 conf header and then issued the function z/org-tangle-at-block which would tangle all sub header and blocks to one file ( ~/.i3/config).
when i try now to run the function i get the
user-error: Point is not in a source code block
really appreciate your help since currently all my dotfile system is broken :)