Le jeu. 01 mars 2018 à 02:10:15 , Eric S Fraga <
address@hidden> a
envoyé ce message:
> On Thursday, 1 Mar 2018 at 14:37, Joseph Vidal-Rosset wrote:
>> Supposing that I want to reply
>> to an email, I would be glad to write my reply in a org file and, once
>> finished this reply, going back to gnus to be able to org-mime-htmlize
>> it and send it.
>> At the moment the only solution that I have is to quit gnus in order to
>> make an org file that I copy and paste in the reply.
> You don't have to quit gnus or even switch to another
> buffer/file. Simply change the mode to org (M-x org-mode RET), compose
> your email, switch back to message mode (M-x message-mode RET), htmlize
> the email and send it.
Many thanks Eric! I suspected that there should be a simple solution,
but I did not expected that it was so much simple!
I am applying what you say in replying to you. And it works perfectly!
I am going to define two keybindings for this and I would be happy if
you could suggest to me how adding automatically this link
with the command M-x org-mode RET . But if you need time for this last
point, forget it, you helped me a lot already .
Thanks again !
PS: After an upgrade, my "org-mime-htmlize" does not work any more at
the moment, but that is another topic.