On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 9:21 AM Nicolas Goaziou <
address@hidden> wrote:
> Again, the question is: what problem are we trying to solve?
Org boasts itself as a format to write, among other things,
documentation. Do you think it is confidence-inspiring if we do not
write our own documentation in our format? See also
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eating_your_own_dog_food>. This problem
is now solved.
Also, no matter how you look at it, doing any non-trivial edit in
"org.texi" is painful. I want to ease that pain for current contributors
(at least me), too.
+1 Editing Org is so much natural than .texi. And by this flow, we are not obsoleting .texi, just having it generate automatically instead of manually. It like writing a higher level language like C or Python instead of tinkering in Assembly.
Also, I'm not suggesting to get rid of "org.texi". I'm suggesting to
generate it from "manual.org" and to avoid as much as possible editing
it manually thereafter. In practice, this change is so small that I do
not understand what all this fuss is about. This should be simple: move
"manual.org" to doc/, overwrite "org.texi", and, when we feel confident
enough, if it ever happens, remove "org.texi" altogether from the
repository, generating it only before bundling a new Org release or
merging it with Emacs.
Exactly. Emacs will anyways ship with org.texi. So moving the manual source to Org in the Org repo shouldn't concern the Emacs repo.