Le mercredi 28 novembre 2018 à 00:40 +0100, Nicolas Goaziou a écrit :
> > Le mardi 27 novembre 2018 à 21:26 +0100, Nicolas Goaziou a écrit :
> >
> > [ Snip... ]
> >
> > > What happens if you remove "org-ref.el" reference?
> >
> > Same thing.
> >
> > Even after uninstalling org-ref and its dependencies.
> >
> > Sorry...
> OK. I got it. This has nothing to do with LANGUAGE keyword.
> Babel is not a default package, per `org-latex-default-packages-
> alist.
> You need to add it to `org-latex-packages-alist'.
Close, but no cigar :
I used the `customize' interface to add it to `org-latex-default-
packages-alist' (because the package to load is compiler-dependent),
which becomes:
(("AUTO" "inputenc" t
("T1" "fontenc" t
(#1="" "graphicx" t nil)
(#1# "grffile" t nil)
(#1# "longtable" nil nil)
(#1# "wrapfig" nil nil)
(#1# "rotating" nil nil)
("normalem" "ulem" t nil)
(#1# "amsmath" t nil)
(#1# "textcomp" t nil)
(#1# "amssymb" t nil)
(#1# "capt-of" nil nil)
(#1# "hyperref" nil nil)
(#1# "babel" t
(#1# "polyglossia" t
("xelatex" "lualatex")))
I then retried an example (similar to the first one, but another
machine...) (see enclosed files).
* The latex file does indeed contain "\usepackage{babel}" at the end
of preamble
* But the language is never set.
* Therefore, no "frenchizing" happens...
This is due to the fact that, in order to get what I mean, the babel
loading should be "\usepackage[frenchb]{babel}", i. e. take the value
corresponding to whatever #+language: implies ("frenchb" for "fr",
etc...). I do not know how to do that.
Is there a documented way to do that, or should I dive in ox-latex
source ?
A couple of remarks :
* If this setup is necessary to get #+langiage: honored fot LaTeX
export, this should be done by default (i. e. in org's source
* One might wish to allow to fully use babel's (and polyglossia's)
abilities by specifying a set of possible #+language:s (first
call) or switch to another language (further calls down the
* concerning french: I understand that "frenchb" is obsolete and
that one should use "french" instead (better compatibility with
ispell and flyspell-babel, among others)...
* I suggest a '(#1# "fontspec" t '(xelatex lualatex)), and possibly
an '(#1# "mathspec" t '(xetex luatex)) or '(#1# "unicode-math" t
'(xetex luatex))
entry(ies) to be added to the default : xetex is more and more
used, and luatex is officially the successor to pdftex...
Emmanuel Charpentier