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Re: [O] org babel: %% [removed source block]
From: |
Berry, Charles |
Subject: |
Re: [O] org babel: %% [removed source block] |
Date: |
Thu, 29 Nov 2018 16:32:28 +0000 |
I cannot reproduce your export issue with org 9.1.14.
You need to provide more details.
Perhaps you have a header-arg set that you have not told us about?
What does C-c C-v C-i report when point is in each of your source blocks? I get
Lang: matlab
:header-args nil
:header-args:matlab nil
Header Arguments:
:cache no
:exports code
:hlines no
:noweb no
:padline no
:results none
:session none
:tangle test.m
for the first.
> On Nov 29, 2018, at 3:38 AM, Uwe Brauer <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi
> I have the following org file
> #+BEGIN_SRC matlab :tangle test.m :padline no :results none
> function [ll x]=mitest(A0,x0)
> % initialization
> format long
> epsi=1.e-3;
> nit=0;
> nmaxit=200;
> Delta=10;
> A=A0;
> while Delta>epsi & nit<nmaxit
> nit=nit+1; % counter
> The basic idea is.
> That we do.
> We also will
> #+BEGIN_SRC matlab :tangle test.m :padline no
> y=A*x0;
> end
> Now org-babel-tangle works nicely, but when I try to export the org file
> to latex via org-export-dispatch
> I obtain a latex file in which the source code is removed.
> What do I miss??
> I am asked in the export process whether I want to evaluate the code,
> which I don't since it is a simple function not a code to be evaluated.