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Re: bug logging the TODO tracking state with brackets in the header

From: pinmacs
Subject: Re: bug logging the TODO tracking state with brackets in the header
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2019 17:07:09 +0100
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Hi list,

I discovered that this issue is not reproduceable (noticiable) from an
emacs vanilla version (without custom configuration)

after digging in my config file that endend up with a happy orgmode file
with thanks to babel and tangle [1] I found the problem. These are the
lines that produce the mentioned bug (I tested just that lines alone in
the custom configuration and still is reproduceable):

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;; If you would like a TODO entry to automatically change to DONE when
;; all children are done, you can use the following setup:
;; source :
(defun org-summary-todo (n-done n-not-done)
  "Switch entry to DONE when all subentries are done, to TODO otherwise."
  (let (org-log-done org-log-states)   ; turn off logging
    (org-todo (if (= n-not-done 0) "DONE" "TODO"))))
(add-hook 'org-after-todo-statistics-hook 'org-summary-todo)

fetching the link from official orgmode documentation looks like my code
is up to date. But this code does the mentioned bug-error.

I'm happy to comment that lines, to loose that mini-feature and gain the
two others (numbering TODOs and tracking the state changes)

Any ideas why it fails with that lines?


[1] inspired by:

On 12/7/19 11:11 PM, pinmacs wrote:
> Hi,
> I reached a strange bug, I hope you can reproduce it too
> I want to track changes on TODO and I have in the beginning of my buffer:
> which means that TODO, PLANEED, DOING and DONE will have a report of
> change in the same header [0]
> If I have the number of TODOs like [6/45] (6 DONE, 45 in TODO) is not
> working (see [1] for my example)
> If I quit that expression, it works, that could be the case when I do a
> subheader from a header without that brackets [2]
> I hope this example is illustrative [1].
> The header that says "this fails" if I change the state, it reports
> tracking state in the parent header with wrong information "state TODO
> from TODO". It fails because the parent has the bracket thing. If the
> parent of the parent has bracket thing it reports to "the parent of the
> parent", so it is weird :/
> The header that says "this works" changes from states correctly because
> parent does not have the brackets
> I hope you can reproduce the bug on your own
> I'm using orgmode version 9.3
> let me if I can help with the bug reporting
> Cheers,
> pinmacs
> [0]
> https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/org/Tracking-TODO-state-changes.html
> [1]
> *** TODO <2019-12-07 Sat>  [6/45]                                    
> :today:
> - State "TODO"       from "TODO"       [2019-12-07 Sat 22:58]
> - State "TODO"       from "TODO"       [2019-12-07 Sat 22:58]
> - State "TODO"       from "TODO"       [2019-12-07 Sat 22:57]
> - State "TODO"       from "TODO"       [2019-12-07 Sat 22:57]
> - State "TODO"       from "TODO"       [2019-12-07 Sat 22:57]
> - State "TODO"       from "TODO"       [2019-12-07 Sat 22:57]
> **** DONE this fails
> ***** DONE this works OK
> - State "DONE"       from "EXPLAIN"    [2019-12-07 Sat 22:58]
> - State "DOING"      from "PLANNED"    [2019-12-07 Sat 22:58]
> - State "PLANNED"    from "TODO"       [2019-12-07 Sat 22:58]
> - State "TODO"       from              [2019-12-07 Sat 22:58]
> [2]
> as you can see in the following 2 links:
> - https://orgmode.org/manual/Breaking-down-tasks.html#Breaking-down-tasks
> - https://orgmode.org/manual/Checkboxes.html#Checkboxes

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