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Re: [PATCH] ob-lilypond: allow user configuration of header-args

From: Jonathan Gregory
Subject: Re: [PATCH] ob-lilypond: allow user configuration of header-args
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2021 09:40:00 -0300
User-agent: mu4e 1.5.5; emacs 27.1

Hi Jamie

On 10 Jan 2021, Jamie Bayne wrote:

Hi all,

I hit the problem described in https://www.mail-archive.com/emacs-orgmode@gnu.org/msg127317.html - I couldn't see that anyone else had fixed it so I had a go.
The problem is that, unusually, ob-lilypond has some conditional 
logic on its header-args. Its solution is to set the header-args 
internally when required, which overrides any user-specified 
The quickest way I could see to preserve the conditional logic 
was to add a new variable to hold the user configuration, which 
I called ob-lilypond-header-args. Now the conditional logic sets 
org-babel-header-args:lilypond to the new variable's value when 
Another way would be to create a context which sets the variable 
when needed and then resets it. I opted against this as I'm not 
sure it would have the same behaviour in all cases. Happy to 
have a go if it would be preferable, though.
Cheers, Jamie
I'm not sure I understand the second proposal. Either way, the 
solution looks reasonable.
Thanks for your help


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