Ilya Chernyshov <> writes:
(defun org-datetree--find-create
@@ -169,18 +167,19 @@ component. If INSERT is non-nil and
there is no match then it is
inserted into the buffer."
(when (or month day)
- (let ((re (format regex-template year month day))
+ (let ((re (format org-complex-heading-regexp-format
+ (format regex-template year month day)))
These changes make the docstring for `org-datetree--find-create'
(defun org-datetree--find-create
(regex-template year &optional month day insert)
"Find the datetree matched by REGEX-TEMPLATE for YEAR,
REGEX-TEMPLATE is passed to `format' with YEAR, MONTH, and
DAY as
arguments. Match group 1 is compared against the specified
component. If INSERT is non-nil and there is no match then
it is
inserted into the buffer."
Please update the docstring to reflect the new behaviour.