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eval with :dir in included file

From: Dominique Dumont
Subject: eval with :dir in included file
Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2023 17:36:23 +0200


I have a file with this code block:

~~~ file terraform-admin.org

** Retrieve public IPs
:CUSTOM_ID: retrieve-public-ips

#+begin_src shell :results verbatim :dir "stacks/public-ips" :exports both
terragrunt output ips


Exporting this file works fine.

I have another file which imports the file above:

#+include: "../../../infra-terraform/terraform-admin.org::#retrieve-public-ips" 
:only-contents  t

Here the export fails with this (slightly edited) error:

process-file: Setting current directory: No such file or directory, 

Indeed this directory does not exist: org-mode is looking for 
"stacks/public-ips" directory in the wrong place, i.e. org-mode
is starting to search "stacks/public-ips" from the *including* file.

Is there a way to tell org-mode to search "stacks/public-ips" directory 
starting from the directory of the *included* file ? 

All the best


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