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org-agenda queries for absent properties

From: Jens Schmidt
Subject: org-agenda queries for absent properties
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2023 19:13:38 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.13.0

The following was initially meant as bug report until I understood that
it's actually some sort of feature ...

Consider the following todo list:

-------------------- todos.org --------------------
* TODO relax

* TODO do this
:patchday: 202302

* TODO do that
:patchday: 202305

* TODO work harder
:patchday: 202308
-------------------- todos.org --------------------

When I use an agenda query


on that I get the result:

  Headlines with TAGS match: patchday>=202305
  Press ‘C-u r’ to search again
    todos:      TODO do that
    todos:      TODO work harder

However for the following:


I get

  Headlines with TAGS match: patchday<=202305
  Press ‘C-u r’ to search again
    todos:      TODO relax
    todos:      TODO do this
    todos:      TODO do that

since the absent property "patchday" on the "relax" todo entry is
defaulted to value zero, obviously.

So I would like to have something easier to type (and remember! why not
"!=" or "/="?) then


How about starred agenda property operators that match only if the
operand property is actually present, which would result in this query:


Section <info:org#Matching tags and properties> does not seem to provide
any information on "definedness" expressions for properties.


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