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Re: [POLL] Dealing with +1m/y repeaters when jumping to impossible date

From: jman
Subject: Re: [POLL] Dealing with +1m/y repeaters when jumping to impossible date (should 05-31 +1m be 07-01 or 06-30?) (was: Leap-year bug with todo-cycle)
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2024 23:18:17 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.8; emacs 29.1

> Generally, I did see several requests to change the strategy when
> calculating next month/year. However, that would be a breaking change.
> I'd only go for it if people are strongly in favor of the change.
> So, changing this to a poll.

I don't particularly have a skin in the game but I ask a question: what would 
be the impact of this breaking change for users with existing Orgmode documents?


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