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Re: Using Org-mode macros as LaTeX macros

From: Berry, Charles
Subject: Re: Using Org-mode macros as LaTeX macros
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2024 18:06:55 +0000


One way to propagate values prior to export is to use named src blocks and 
noweb references to them.

For example, the following code:

#+name: orga-def
#+begin_src latex :exports none
  my old school

#+begin_src latex :noweb yes
  Some custom LaTeX here
  This is my school:

will export as 

Some custom LaTeX here
This is my school:
my old school
  my old school

if the latex is activated in `org-babel-load-languages`. You can customize this 

Or you just can `(require 'ob-latex)`.

You can preview the latex produced by eval-ing the src block or executing 
`org-babel-expand-src-block` (C-c C-v C-v) to see the latex produced.

Note that I added newlines around `<<orga-def>>` which was not necessary for 
this example, but if multi-line codes are used in the `orga-def` block, noweb 
will prefix/postfix each line and that could be a headache. See `Noweb 
Replacement Syntax` in the manual for more detail on prefixing.



> On Jun 1, 2024, at 5:05 AM, Sébastien Gendre <seb@k-7.ch> wrote:
> I need to have an Org document that could be used as easily as possible
> by anyone else. Sadly, having to define new Emacs function could be too
> much for what my school ask.

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