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Re: bash source code block: problem after ssh commands

From: Max Nikulin
Subject: Re: bash source code block: problem after ssh commands
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 17:54:11 +0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 01/07/2024 16:51, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:

My experience is that it is not easy to start a process without a tty in
Emacs. Eli will object.

I guess not on Windows (bug#71081). But otherwise I agree.

It was for starting mailcap viewer and Windows was not an issue.

Although, I am not sure what we need to document and what we just need
to rewrite.

I have posted it to this thread and to https://debbugs.gnu.org/67259

Some commands try to read standard input if it is available. In interactive sessions it may be hidden due to time interval between typed commands. Be careful when they are used in Org source blocks.
[[https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/089][BASH FAQ #89]]
warns concerning =ssh= and =ffmpeg=.  Either explicitly specify
=</dev/null= as input or use document here syntax.

ssh example.org 'sed -i -e s/foo/bar/ file.txt' </dev/null
ssh example.org 'tee >>file.log' <<"EOF"
Added by org-babel

(Quotes around "EOF" suppress variable expansion in the text.) Tools may have dedicated options, for example =ssh -n= is a more concise way to avoid the pitfall.

In theory, we may work around all the pty-related problems
by simply running a script file (that possibly also echoes its commands
to keep them recorded for user examination).

Ideally some kind of bracketed paste should be added to `shell', otherwise it is insecure. However it is not an option for dash. I still have slight hope that implementation of =C-x C-e= might give another idea. Some subtle issues may arise with "source", but perhaps they are more rare than naive ssh usage. If you know how to add text to shell buffer without sending it to the process then you may try. I would leave an option to switch back to "direct" input.

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