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Re: multipage html output

From: Orm Finnendahl
Subject: Re: multipage html output
Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2024 11:04:15 +0200


Am Samstag, den 06. Juli 2024 um 07:47:43 Uhr (+0200) schrieb Pedro Andres 
Aranda Gutierrez:
> Sorry for bumping in, I've been more off than on in the last couple of
> weeks...
> Just a stupid question: have you considered any marker to force a page
> break?
> That would make this functionality portable to other exporters like LaTeX,
> where
> you can force a page break with \clearpage or \cleardoublepage.

 although this is of course possible, currently I'm not planning to
implement it.

Regarding html export I see some problems with that idea:

1. It would either open a new can of worms if this page would be added
   to the toc with all sorts of ensuing problems like naming, etc. and
   getting out of sync with the Latex document's toc.


2. Those additinal pages don't get added to the toc and are only
   reachable by navigation elements, which I consider suboptimal (and
   you'd still have to name them).

In any case, currently I'm facing many problems concerning the
glorious hairy details and am glad if I can sort them out in a way
that they are general enough to be added to ox. Adding additional
engines to handle page breaks the way you envision should then be
feasible without reinventing the wheel.


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