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Re: multipage html output

From: Ihor Radchenko
Subject: Re: multipage html output
Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2024 15:29:47 +0000

Orm Finnendahl <orm.finnendahl@selma.hfmdk-frankfurt.de> writes:

> For the backend I'm planning to realize the following options
> (implemented as custom variables, which can be overwritten in the
> document):
> - org-html-multipage-export-directory
>   The directory for the exported files (relative or absolute).

I am wondering about the reasoning behind not re-using
#+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: here (its directory part) and simply defaulting to

Is there any situation when you need to export the full document
vs. multipage to different places?

> - org-html-multipage-head
>   (similar to HTML_HEAD but will be used instead of the HTML_HEAD for
>   custom css/js)

Again, why not directly using #+HTML_HEAD?

> - org-html-multipage-front-matter
>   A list to specify pages in front of the headlines of the
>   document. Possible values are 'title, 'title-toc and 'toc. title-toc
>   is a combined page containing the title and the toc. Multiple
>   entries are possible.

This sounds orthogonal to multipage export. May you please illustrate
what you want to achieve by introducing this option? Maybe there is an
existing feature that can be re-used instead of creating something new?

> - org-html-multipage-join-first-subsection
>   Boolean: Non-nil means that the first subsection of a section
>   without a body will be joined on the section page (recursively). See
>   my generated example pages linked below (Chapters 4, 5 and 7 for a
>   recursive example)

Sorry, but I cannot understand anything from there. May you explain in

> - org-html-multipage-split
>   How to split the document. Possible values are
>   'toc for generating a page for each toc entry.

May I guess that the previous option may have something do with
situation when #+TOC: keyword is in the middle of a text?
> In addition I have a question about the html output layout
> structure. Here is an example of a file generated with the current
> code with some preliminary layout. It might give an idea about my use
> case:
> https://www.selma.hfmdk-frankfurt.de/finnendahl/klangsynthesebuch/01_00_00_vorwort.html#orge24571b
> Regardless of the colours, the file has a slightly different hierarchy
> than the single page html template of ORGMODE and is more oriented
> towards the layout of documentation nowadays with a (hideable) toc at
> the side on every page rather than the texinfo oriented layout used by
> the orgmode manual. If my code gets accepted/merged to org what should
> be the default layout shipped with multipage output? FYI: The
> visibility of the toc entries is managed by the css and the whole toc
> is included on each page (and its visibility could be managed with js
> as well). Should I rather go for the classic texinfo view?

Do I understand correctly that your alternative layout is simply a
question of custom #+HTML_HEADER? Or is there something more to it?

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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