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Re: [fr] refile goto: push mark in the target buffer first

From: Samuel Wales
Subject: Re: [fr] refile goto: push mark in the target buffer first
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 18:00:39 -0700

On Monday, July 15, 2024, Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net> wrote:
Samuel Wales <samologist@gmail.com> writes:

This is not like mark ring though - just search across specific object
types in buffer. Something akin next/previous-button.

correct.  f and b are for forward and backward.  for the local mark ring, it will go to the next or prev mark in the buffer by position in the buffer.  not a history command per se.

> vvv draft spec
> Dispatcher l and r go back and forward
> in history of point, regardless of
> buffer.  Thus, dispatcher RET then
> dispatcher l returns to point, even if
> point was not on a link.  The bindings
> are modeled on l and r in info or help.
> Dispatcher n and p change at branching
> points, cycling you to the different
> places r might go and back.

This part about branching is not very clear.

in undo-tree and i think vundo, you have a tree.  in the case of point locs, suppose you were in one place, 0, and then you went to a, then back to 0 with l, then went to b.  now you have a branching point at 0.  you can do n and p to choose between a and b -- actually  moving to them with a message is an option here as is showing their lines in a visualizer.   n and p could also cycle through 0 for convenience if that's not too confusing [a message can notify]. a command like l can also be used to go back to it.
so the f and b thing has nothing to do with history; it is just navigation in the buffer [if local ring] according to the sequence in the buffer, akin to m-tab in org for links.

l and r are like in info, navigating history. n and p choose different r locations for the case where there is more than one r.

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