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Re: support range durations

From: Guido Stevens
Subject: Re: support range durations
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 10:41:01 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 9/15/24 14:02, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Guido Stevens <guido.stevens@cosent.net> writes:

As per https://orgmode.org/manual/Column-attributes.html I'm using range
durations to express effort estimations. Those get summarized nicely in
column views, using the {est+} summarizer. But when I access an agenda
view that encounters a task that has such a range duration directly set,
the agenda chokes with an error message:

        org-duration-to-minutes: Invalid duration format: "1d-2d"

May you please provide more details on how to trigger the error?

Sure. I'm providing the Doom keybindings for the actions I'm taking.

1. Abbreviated snippet from my Doom config:

(use-package! org
  :defer t
   `(("Effort_ALL" . "0 0.5d 0.5d-1d 1d 1d-2d"))))

2. Set estimate "1d-2d" on a task (C-c C-x e)

3. Open an agenda view that contains that task (C-c n a t)

org-duration-to-minutes: Invalid duration format: "1d-2d"

* lisp/org-duration.el (org-duration-to-minutes): Do not choke on
low-high range durations (e.g. "2d-5d") when rendering an agenda. Calculate the 
of the range instead.

Range durations are valid when estimating effort, and supported
elsewhere via the {est+} summarizer.

Org mode durations have no notion of ranges. It is completely
org-colview thing. So, modifying `org-duration-to-minutes' is not
appropriate. We need to fix org-colview, not org-duration.

The reproduction above does not involve org-colview.

The disagreement apparently is, that org-colview says range durations are supported for effort estimates, and even has code handling them via the {est+} summarizer, when they are not supported in org-duration.


I get your point about not accepting this patch. None of the other functions or docstrings in org-duration mentions or handles ranges, fair enough.

I'm puzzled though, because I did not come up with this feature. It's genuinely useful and it appears to have worked in the past.

Maybe sorting agenda views by effort was not active at that stage: I suspect that is what is triggering the error. Which points to a potential solution (and also to a potential speed optimization): even when I am not sorting on effort at all, this error is thrown, so why is org-duration-to-minutes even called at all in the agenda view? Is there a way to disable that?

I.e. even when I simplify my sorting strategy to:

   '((agenda priority-down)
     (todo priority-down)
     (tags priority down)
     (search priority-down))

org-duration-to-minutes is called and throws an error. Why is it even called?

I'm out of my depth in Lisp and don't know how to properly step that call flow.

    Guido Stevens    |   Cosent   |     https://cosent.nl

    s o c i a l   k n o w l e d g e   t e c h n o l o g y

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