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Re: Transient: accessibility problems for users who need to use large fo

From: Samuel Wales
Subject: Re: Transient: accessibility problems for users who need to use large fonts (was: [RFC] The best way to choose an "action" at point: context-menu-mode, transient, which-key or embark? (was: Fwd: Org-cite: Replace basic follow-processor with transient menu?))
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2024 00:19:28 -0700

On Tue, Dec 17, 2024 at 11:02 AM Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net> wrote:
> In other words, you need visual-line-mode inside transient buffers. Do I
> understand correctly?

that sounds similar to current behavior.

my suggestion would wrap to the character column of the beginning of
the third text column.

similar to html for non-first table cells.  not lhs.

lorem ipsum        akemashite omedetou    hello
asjnfaksjdnf         ajsk dfnkajsd fkaj sf        this line

code likely exists someplace in core for this.  in org or a browser.

> I think you can bind SPC and DEL in `transient-base-map' to make things
> easier for you. I agree that SPC/DEL doing scrolling are expected from a
> menu.

thank you.

it would make sense, for me, usually, for SPC to wrap around to first
page in menus, so that DEL is not strictly needed.  transient wraps
for arrow; idk SPC.

> On my side, there is an indication after I customized
> (setq-default indicate-buffer-boundaries 'left)

you are absolutely right.  i have had something similar forever.

the reason i didn't notice it is 1] for me the fringe glyph is small
-- can it be larger? and 2] the cursor is always at bol in transient
in my case for that menu, so the fringe is less noticeable next to a
large block cursor.

also, i just noticed that transient has a dim horizontal line at eob
in that menu which is thoughtful and useful.  i don't know what face
it uses.

> which exact menu you are talking about and when did scroll stopped
> working? I may be missing something.

i don't think you're missing anything significant.  i didn't mean to
make you do forensics.  it was merely a recollection of a possibility;
 i'd find it useful if todo kw scrolled, but i cannot say that it

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