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Re: Generating the filename from name and file-ext for blocks with side-

From: Aitenate
Subject: Re: Generating the filename from name and file-ext for blocks with side-effects
Date: Wed, 25 Dec 2024 19:03:14 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

On 25/12/2024 15:30, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Aitenate <aitenate@outlook.com> writes:

With ~:results file~, the absence of ~:file~ will cause the filename to
be constructed from the block name and ~:file-ext~, if they are both
present. To achieve that with ~:results file link~, I could only come up

~:var outFile=(alist-get :file (nth 2 (org-babel-get-src-block-info

Seems right, but I do not understand why you would need such thing.

The aim is to not need to define a filename for each image, to minimise the boilerplate. Org has a mechanism for this, but it only works when Org creates the file.

Using a combination of noweb and file header arguments, with a property drawer, I was able to have each code block only require a unique name and the image code. That is except, because the image library creates the file, I need to specify a var to give a filename. Hence, I poked around until I found a way to use the computed filename.

While I'm happy with the solution I found, as a novice Org user, it seemed like I needed to reach into undocumented internals to do this. So I queried this, partly to understand if there was a better way, and partly to see if it was worth providing a better way or at least documenting a method.

Based on your response, maybe I'm doing something unusual. In which case, it's not surprising I couldn't find a more obvious way.

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