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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Planner Publish

From: Paul D. Kraus
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Planner Publish
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 12:59:35 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

Sacha Chua wrote:

<address@hidden> writes:

Thanks for trying out publishing with emacs-wiki! I apologize for the
inconvenience Planner has caused you by overwriting your day page.
<sheepish grin>

It then asks if I want to save my day page that is open and my taskpool.
I say yes. I then over rights my taskpool file with the html page.
The publishing diretory is ~WebWiki and it did create this directory the first
time I tried to publish a page. However nothing is ever saved to it and taskpool
gets overwritten.

That's odd. What's your planner-directory? If you have temporary
buffers open (for example, if errors occur during publishing), please
do not save them as they will overwrite the files in your Planner
directory. (We have to find a way around that... Mike, can you look
into using a temporary file in the same directory when publishing

Try M-: (planner-update-wiki-project) to make sure that emacs-wiki has
the right information. Then try M-x emacs-wiki-publish-this-page from
one of the pages to see if it publishes correctly. If that worked,
then add (planner-update-wiki-project) to the end of your config,
before (plan). If that didn't work, hmm.. Try C-u M-x
emacs-wiki-visit-published-file (should show you the HTML source or an
empty buffer) to make sure that it's trying to publish somewhere else.

None of this worked. I did notice this time that I get an error about utf-8.
No such coding system: utf-8

Does this have something to do with it?


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