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[Emms-help] Copyright stuff

From: Jorgen Schaefer
Subject: [Emms-help] Copyright stuff
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 07:59:34 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Hi there!
I think we need to settle for a copyright policy. Yes, I don't
like this legal shit neither. But I guess we have to talk about
it, and we should do this better early then late.

As far as I can see, we have two options:

1) Ignore it all. This has the problem of not being able to sue
   for anything people do about the package (or rather, having
   great troubles to do so). Also, emms will never be able to
   become part of GNU Emacs.
2) Pass the copyright to the FSF. This doesn't have the
   disadvantages mentioned above, but the disadvantage that we
   don't "own" the code anymore.

I'm all for 2. What's your opinion about this?

        -- Jorgen

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