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Re: Two very small bugs and a wish list

From: Titus Müller
Subject: Re: Two very small bugs and a wish list
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2024 10:12:39 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.6; emacs 29.1

> I'm not seeing these issues. Can you please provide a step-by-step
> recipe to recreate this?

Hm, that's strange. To be sure no other packages are responsible for the 
behaviour, today I started Emacs with emacs -Q and used M-x load-file to load 
emms-compat.el, emms.el, emms-source-file.el, emms-source-playlist.el and 
emms-playlist.el. Then I used M-x emms-add-directory to add an album to the 
playlist, switched to the playlist with M-x emms-playlist-mode-go and there I 
used C-o and C-i to try to move the tracks around. I get the same empty line 
and "nil:" error.

In my elpa directory, the emms directory is called emms-20240112.2108. Should I 
remove it and try to install again?

----- Ursprüngliche Nachricht vom 12.01.2024 -----
> Yoni Rabkin <yoni@rabkins.net> writes:
>> Titus Müller <mail@titusmueller.de> writes:
>>> Thank you so much for adding this feature!
>>> I tested it a little.
>>> First time using emms-playlist-mode-shift-track-down: Works fine, with
>>> the little drawback that it inserts a blank line below the downwards
>>> moved track, moving all the following tracks one line further down.
>>> Second, third, fourth time using emms-playlist-mode-shift-track-down
>>> in a row: Adds a line »nil:« above, I assume because trying to move
>>> the empty line up.
>>> Using emms-playlist-mode-shift-track-up correctly moves the upper
>>> track down, but instead of in turn moving the current track up to
>>> switch the two, it empties it's line, so what has been moved up, is
>>> deleted, and the track is now missing from the playlist.
> I'm not seeing these issues. Can you please provide a step-by-step
> recipe to recreate this?
>> It shouldn't be doing any of that. I need to fix all of those issues.
>> Which version of Emacs are you on, by the way?
>>> ----- Ursprüngliche Nachricht vom 09.01.2024 -----
>>>> Titus Müller <mail@titusmueller.de> writes:
>>>>> (3) In emms-playlist-mode, it would be great to have a function to
>>>>> move a track one line up, and one to move a track one line down, to
>>>>> permanently (after saving the playlist) change the order of the
>>>>> playlist.
>>>> This is now implemented in the main git repo, bound to C-i and C-o in
>>>> playlist-mode.
>>>> Note that these functions can be used to move the playing track as well;
>>>> they shouldn't interfere.
>>>> I probably missed some edge cases, so checking it out would be
>>>> appreciated. As always.

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