das ist ja eine Überraschung, ich hatte nicht damit gerechnet, eine Antwort aus Deutschland zu erhalten!
Wie dem auch sei, vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort. Bezüglich Ihrer Frage, der Artikel war Anfang Dezember in der Schwäbischen Zeitung, und die haben einen Link auf der website zu enigma eingerichtet (www.szon.de/im/enigma).
Vielen Dank für die alternative Downloadadresse.
--- original Nachricht Ende ----
address@hidden wrote:
> some time ago I read an article in a German newspaper about your
> project, and, as an old ATARI fan, of course I know OXYD. I played
> that game with lots of fun, and therefore, I was keen to download
Just out of curiosity: which German newspaper?
> However, since begin of December I keep trying. First there was the
> server problem, but now everything should be fixed, nonetheless it is
> still not possible to download.
There is still a problem with the server. As far as I know downloads
will not
be possible for another few weeks. Unfortunately, the server doesn't
even allow me to change the web pages at the moment and automatically
redirect downloads to another server. For the moment you can download
Enigma from