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[Enigma-devel] Level submission "Minigolf"

From: Jürgen Lange
Subject: [Enigma-devel] Level submission "Minigolf"
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 09:13:25 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080213)

Hi, thank you for developing enigma.
Here I send you a prototyp of a level cloning sport-games like golf or tennis. This kind of levels could maybe make up a new genre for enigma. Problem is, that you only have one hit of the white ball ("hole in one"). This limits the potential of such levels. It would be nice to implement a counter (like "enigma.ShowMoves" in Sokoban-levels) for every hit of white ball. Do you have any suggestion how to realize this?

Attachment: minigolf1.zip
Description: Zip compressed data

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