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Re: [Enigma-devel] Level submission "Watchmaker"

From: Johannes Hüsing
Subject: Re: [Enigma-devel] Level submission "Watchmaker"
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 07:54:34 +0100

Am 15.03.2008 um 02:31 schrieb Ronald Lamprecht:

The level idea seems to be ready.
But as Raoul mentioned, the last level post containes some typos in the XML part.

which typoes do you mean? He only mentioned the illegal value for the
el:status attribute.

Just as a test I rewrote this level for the new upcoming 1.10 API. Just as a demo of the features of the new API I appended this rewrite - have a look at it!

Oh, this is nice! Are multiple actions a new feature? This is badly needed indeed.

This version is running with the current development version r1070 and is to 100% the identical level.

Some remarks:

 - The parchment is missing.
 - The bolders are not atop the water holes.
 - It seems that the cyrillic letters got damaged in the process.

So I'd say it's not 100 per cent, but close.

Please note that the object renaming is not finished, but most other features are.

Is there a reason you named the bolders "boulders"?

Alla tschüs


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