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Re: [Enigma-devel] Level "Crossfire in the making"

From: Ronald Lamprecht
Subject: Re: [Enigma-devel] Level "Crossfire in the making"
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 19:37:31 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080213)


Johannes HXXsing wrote:
To guarantee fair distributions and levels that are solvable the
author can declare minimum and maximum conditions and groups of
oxyds like:

wo:shuffleOxyd({grp1, max=0}, {grp1, grp2, min=2}, {grp1, grp3, min=1, max=1})

As a shortcut groups of oxyds can be declared to be positioned either
circular or linear. This declaration expands to all rules necessary to
avoid any neighbour oxyd pairs.

wo:shuffleOxyd({grp(ox1, ox2, ox3, ox4, ox5, ox6), circular=true},
   {grp2, linear=true})

This is your internal spec and you know what circular and linear shuffling means, right? To make its way into user
documentation this section may need some clarification.
If you like, I can give you a hand with that.

It is very short, but it is not an internal spec. I did publish the complete draft on this list:


The short excerpt has just been a minor update out of version 0.6.

In the last two month I wrote about 2500 lines reference manual for the new API. Of course it is available in the source code repository at Berlios. For convenience of level authors I will upload a Windows compilation of the current development trunk - stay tuned.

Yes I would be happy about everyone who gives me a helping hand :-) Reading, verifying and finishing the reference manual and testing the new API, reporting remaining bugs and finally rewriting some levels.

On a side note, I am not opposed to shuffling patterns leading
to different degrees of complications. I sometimes like to be
surprised if a known level is rather recreational or rather
demanding. The solving times are meaningless to me anyway.

Even though I agree with you, that solving is more important than the time itself, I nearly missed the clue of your level. Besides that I know from the last years experience that if a level has even a slight chance of a shortcut due to the oxyd distribution more than 10% of the players will restart it hundred times to benefit and the other players will complain about this.



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