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Re: enigma 1.30

From: Andreas Lochmann
Subject: Re: enigma 1.30
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2024 00:15:14 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird


yes, I think we know that error. Enigma was build with Windows 10 in mind. Windows 11 changed some internal things. You need to update one of the files that came with Enigma. Try the following:
1. Go to https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/releases/tag/release-2.30.6

2. Download SDL2-2.30.6-win32-x64.zip

3. Unzip it. Gives you some SDL2.dll file.

4. Go to the directory into which you installed Enigma.

5. There should be another, old SDL2.dll. Rename it to something like SDL2.old.
6. Move the new SDL2.dll to the Enigma directory.

7. Start Enigma. If it runs: Great, finished!

8. If not: Repeat above steps with SDL2-2.30.6-win32-x32.zip instead.

9. If this still doesn't help, you may restore the old SDL2.dll by renaming it again, back to SDL2.old.
Did this help?

Best regards,

Am 17.08.24 um 12:06 schrieb Janko Kinčeš:
I am using windows 11. Also there is another issue when i launch game then it is in a window but settings screen fullscreen button say yes. I set my game to fullscreen but when i launch game again it is in a window

Dňa so 17. 8. 2024, 3:21 Janko Kinčeš <janko.kinces123@gmail.com <mailto:janko.kinces123@gmail.com>> napísal(a):
    Yes i am using windows 11

    Dňa pi 16. 8. 2024, 22:32 Andreas Lochmann
    <and.lochmann@googlemail.com <mailto:and.lochmann@googlemail.com>>


        which operating system are you using? Windows 11?

        Best regards

        Am 13.08.24 um 19:12 schrieb Janko Kinčeš:
         > i found bug when i set app to fullscreen button then apply
        settings and
         > game crash.

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