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[ePiX-devel] possible bug in plane#plane(P const&, P const&, P const&)

From: Maik Beckmann
Subject: [ePiX-devel] possible bug in plane#plane(P const&, P const&, P const&)
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2007 21:24:51 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.7


The local variable perp in plane#plane(P const&, P const&, P const&), which is 
later assigned to m_perp and thus returned by plane#perp(), is calculated 
like this
  P perp((p3-p1)*(p2-p1));

I expected plane#perp() to return the normal vector of the plane, but the 
preceding statement calculated the opposite direction (see attached pdf).
If this is intended its ok for me, since then plane#perp() returns a real 
perpendicular :). Is it?

 -- Maik

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