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Re: [ESPResSo-devel] Citations

From: Axel Arnold
Subject: Re: [ESPResSo-devel] Citations
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2012 19:09:50 +0200
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Hi all,

after some discussion with Olaf, we came to the following solution to make sure that algorithms get cited.

- we put them on our webpage as suggested

- we have a separate bibtex-file (doc/ug/citations.bib), where you can add references that people should cite. Of course, the bibtex-keys in this file should be pretty, as well as the entries, so ICPies, please don't just copy and paste our bib. In particular, remove timestamp and owner entries.

- to get the necessary attention, add your citation to the UG, directly at the syntax description of the method. There is a simple environment to do this, put it at the beginning of the section:

  Please cite~\citewbibkey{adress} when using AdResS.

citewbibkey will output also the bibtex key, so that it is easy to find the reference in doc/ug/citations.bib.

Of course, you can not do that, but don't complain if you don't get cited. At the moment, this is fairly biased towards Christoph and me, so correct this :-).


On 08/30/2012 04:00 PM, Axel Arnold wrote:
Hi Espressies,

another famous simulation package for atomistic simulations outputs a list of publications to cite if certain methods are used for a project. Of course, we don't want even more globbering output, but what about extending the "Cite us"-page, and put it more prominently on the page?

What I mean are citations e.g. for P3M, ICC*, MEMD, MMM2D,...

If we want to do that, I would suggest to collect the citations via the mailing list and then add them at once to the website.


JP Dr. Axel Arnold
ICP, Universität Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 27
70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Email: address@hidden
Tel: +49 711 685 67609

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