I am working with the examples simulations included in package mbtools, in particular with the script: simplebilayer.tcl and I ran into some troubles when I tried to run the simulation.
For different observables I got the next messages:
i) Observable: Orient order parameter script: oop.tcl Message: The operation "lipid_orient_order" you requested is not implemented.
ii) Observable: flip-flop rate scritps: flipflop.tcl and stray.tcl The operation "get_lipid_orients" you requested is not implemented.
iii) Observable: fluctuations script: fluctuations.tcl The operation "modes2d" you requested is not implemented.
I don't know how to handle these problems. It is something wrong with my ESPResSO installation?
By the way, in the ESPResSO user's guide Chapter 8 (Analysis) , I found in a yellow inset the next lines: