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[ESPResSo] bug in random.tcl in mbtools

From: Jacob Kirkensgaard
Subject: [ESPResSo] bug in random.tcl in mbtools
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 15:47:42 +0100

Hi all mbtools users

In the file random.tcl in the mbtools package the following lines are found
        # Now choose a random orientation vector.  Actually it's not
        # strictly random if we do it like this (fix)
        lappend orient [expr [t_random]]
        lappend orient [expr [t_random]]
        lappend orient [expr [t_random]]

I think replacing with these lines should fix it:

        lappend orient [expr 2*[t_random]-1]
        lappend orient [expr 2*[t_random]-1]
        lappend orient [expr 2*[t_random]-1]

This means we are now sampling all directions in space instead of only the cone consisting of vectors with positive coordinates.
Jacob Kirkensgaard
Copenhagen University

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