hi Axel
Yes it is not just the LF, there are parts of the particle section missing
the writing is Tcl code, which has fairly robust I/O. So far, I have seen corrupted files only, if several Espresso instances are writing to the same file (for example, if there are problems with MPI and you run 8x single core Espresso instead
of 1x 8 core Espresso). Another problem can be NFSv2 mounts, if there are network problems. In any case, you should check whether really just the LF is missing, or not whole parts of the previous particle section.
Am 10.04.2015 um 19:02 schrieb Jacob Judas Kain Kirkensgaard < address@hidden>:
Hi guys
Has anyone experienced espresso making errors like these in the vtf output trajectories writing
7.9172984032 5.029873timestep ordered
75.8108 osv…
Instead of
7.9172984032 5.029873
timestep ordered
75.8108 et
i.e skipping the line breaks...
It only happens occacionally but can happen several times during a simulation - version 3.2
Dr. Axel Arnold
ICP, Universität Stuttgart
Allmandring 3
70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Email: address@hidden
Phone: +49 711 685 67609
Axel Arnold
Martha-Schmidtmann-Str. 7
70374 Stuttgart, Germany
Email: address@hidden
Phone: +49 173 870 6659