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Re: [ESPResSo-users] speedy question
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Peter Košovan |
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Re: [ESPResSo-users] speedy question |
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Fri, 24 Apr 2015 16:07:02 +0200 |
Hi Dušan,
What cellsystem do you use? What is the range and type of interactions? How many steps in the all-atom simulation were your several nanoseconds?
Note that if you run a single polymer chain (I suppose implicit solvent with Langevin dynamics), then the matter is distributed very unevenly in your box. So Espresso cannot fully benefit from its domain decomposition cellsystem (default), which divides the box evenly among all your CPUs. Some of your CPUs work hard, while others are bored. If your box is much bigger than the chain and the chain is very long, maybe just a single CPU works hard. It might be a good idea to try nsquare cellsystem.
In contrast, in an atomistic simulation there is a rather homogeneous distribution of matter and the cellsystem gives each CPU its fair share of the load.
Btw: simulating 4k long polymer with Langevin dynamics is hopeless. The dynamics of such a long chain is far too slow to obtain meaningful statistics in a reasonable time (human lifetime). The characteristic time scale increases roughly as N^{5/3}. If you need such long chains, you should use MC.
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