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Re: [ESPResSo-users] Simulating partially immersed deformable objects

From: Marcello Sega
Subject: Re: [ESPResSo-users] Simulating partially immersed deformable objects
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2016 08:05:38 +0200

Dear Edvin,

as far as the Shan Chen CPU issue is concerned, there is a branch
implementing it, which has not been merged yet, at

About OIF, in case it works out of the box with Shan Chen on cpu
(which I don't know), surely it has not been tested.

Regarding using the single-component LB, remember that you will loose
all capillary effects. Also, and this is valid for Shan Chen as well,
we have no excluded volume effect: this is usually a dominant
contribution for mesoscopic objects like colloids.



On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 1:22 AM, Edvin Memet <address@hidden> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm interested in simulating a system like the following: an array of
> nanopillars partially immersed in a fluid. Capillary, bending, and
> interpillar interaction forces are all of interest.
> I've been trying to understand methods of coupling LB to deformable object
> in general, as well as the current capabilities of Espresso in particular.
> From my limited understanding, the objects-in-fluid (OIF) extension seems
> like the closest starting point for what I want. However, I want the pillars
> to be partially immersed in the fluid, which I'm not sure is possible. Would
> it be possible to get that effect by using a two component Shan-Chen fluid
> (e.g. water and air)? If so, can you even use OIF with Shan Chen? And from
> my documentation, it seems Shan Chen only runs on GPU - is that still the
> case?
> Or rather than using Shan-Chen, perhaps an easier way of simulating partial
> immersion is to set the friction coefficient to zero for part of the mesh
> (it seems it isn't currently possible to  individually set the friction
> coefficient for each mesh node, but perhaps it shouldn't be too difficult
> for me to figure out a way to do so). Hope that makes sense.
> Any guidance/thoughts appreciated.
> Best,
> Edvin

University of Vienna, Institute of Computational Physics

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